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a miniMonster is born


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A year after tearing down my 80L tank, the itch is back. I played around with lots of ideas about size and lighting and the such and decided (for the sake of my wallet) i would try my hand at running a Pico, 10L tank. The tank is a typical Marine land 2.5G rimmed aquarium. I have an AQUEON HOB filter on the back, which served the initial purpose of clearing the "dust" from the tank after i put the sand in. It will soon be the home of some macro maybe a heater. I havn't found a power head for it yet, but the HOB does a good job of breaking the surface and adds SOME flow. The lighting was inspired by the lighting forum, i'm still working on it's presentation, but it is 27 watts of high powered LED, suspended about 2 inches over the waterline.

Well let me stop typing and start showing:

Dec. 10, 2009



Nov. 23, 2009



October 12,2009:



October 4, 2009:



Sept 28, 2009:


Still alot of work to be done (purchasing and polishing, but i thought i'd start documenting)

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Going to be a good one! Good luck. Im building a 36W fixture for my future 7G Bow, just waiting on my heatsink :) Hope the spread turns out as well as yours did.

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Going to be a good one! Good luck. Im building a 36W fixture for my future 7G Bow, just waiting on my heatsink :) Hope the spread turns out as well as yours did.


I spaced my lights out 1.5 in from each other alternating RB/CWs , here is a picture of the spread only inches from the water if the light is placed on one side of the tank, it'll give you an idea of how the light travels:


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Thanks for the tip, i'm looking into either the Azoo or the Taam Rio 50. are there any reputable, online coral dealers that have great selection + cust serv + pricing? I'm primarily looking for super pretty zoos, i don't really trust anything else to ship, except maybe mushrooms.

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Are your blues turned way down? Or are you going for a 10K look? Anywho, now that you got some LEDs, lets see some SPS in there :)

the blues are turned down to about half, the white balance on my camera washes them out, its more of a 12-14k look. i was going to do some SPS once i got a powerhead running (and saved up some money after that LED build :P .

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A couple new additions:

(Correct my identifications if they are wrong)

Dragon Eye Prism Favia




Fire and Ice + Green w/ yellow Paly


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make new light box with braces for my LEDs

install powerhead

remove filter (for now)

(10%)weekly water changes

make back of tank black

add 1 drop zoo plankton mon/thur/sun

suck out flat worms :(


Future STOCK:

a couple of small snails

a red leg hermit

rainbow acan

more pretty zoos

an orange monti cap


More pitctures after the weekend.

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Dragon Eye Prism Favia



This is awesome. I've never seen it before. Is it a common coral or something that's hard to find? I must have it.

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This is awesome. I've never seen it before. Is it a common coral or something that's hard to find? I must have it.


Its the first time i've seen it, it looks like a color variant of Prism Favia. My LFS guy called it dragon eye prism favia. $25 for two polyps seemed like a good deal to me. He looks really happy and blown up in my tank right now after being in there a couple days, and the pictures really don't do it justice.

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The fire and ice polyps are growing on what looks like a dying montipora frag, you can see the polyps here, looking happy and extended, maybe it will come back?


Better color on a family shot.


gettin puffy!


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Uh oh! The dying oyster that the pretty zoos are on is not dying anymore. in fact he shot these long anchoring strands (that look like spider webs) onto the nearest rock and constantly tries to pull himself to it every chance he gets. This is one of those cool behaviors that make the SW hobby unlike any other. The down side is that he's upsetting the pretty zoos on his shell every time he moves, i've placed him closer to the rock as a result, so hopefully he'll just anchor and stop fussing so much.

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Uh oh! The dying oyster that the pretty zoos are on is not dying anymore. in fact he shot these long anchoring strands (that look like spider webs) onto the nearest rock and constantly tries to pull himself to it every chance he gets. This is one of those cool behaviors that make the SW hobby unlike any other. The down side is that he's upsetting the pretty zoos on his shell every time he moves, i've placed him closer to the rock as a result, so hopefully he'll just anchor and stop fussing so much.


I moved stuff around and added a couple pieces...long strands of white/clear hairy slime EVERYWHERE...oh NOZ! getting my params checked now :( update with pics later.

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I moved stuff around and added a couple pieces...long strands of white/clear hairy slime EVERYWHERE...oh NOZ! getting my params checked now :( update with pics later.


Perfect params, well, ALOT of calcium (550). My LFS guy gave me a vial of Microbacter 7(sp?) which i'm dosing at 10drops a day. Fingers crossed.

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I moved stuff around and added a couple pieces...long strands of white/clear hairy slime EVERYWHERE...oh NOZ! getting my params checked now :( update with pics later.


I've been seeing a few different ppl who have experienced this lately.

No one seems to know what it is, but it doesn't cause tank problems and it goes away after a short while.

Check out this thread, esp. the video on pg. 2:


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I've been seeing a few different ppl who have experienced this lately.

No one seems to know what it is, but it doesn't cause tank problems and it goes away after a short while.

Check out this thread, esp. the video on pg. 2:



The video was removed from the post. I am inclined to believing it is bacterial as it is clinging , maybe growing from the filter. It embeds itself pretty deeply in the sand, and grows in areas of high flow. so far i've done two 10% water changes within days of each other, cleaned out the filter (to make sure it wasn't just picking the stuff up and kicking it back out into the water). and i've added the microbacter 7. It seems to be going away, i'm not sure if it's all the work i've been doing to clear this stuff or just time, i personally don't care as long as it goes away.


A few other notes:

I never cycled the tank. I put in 2.5 lbs of live rock AND live sand, so it was pretty much cycled out of the gate (no ammonia/nitrite problems)

current phospates = 0, nitrates = 0.

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That's too bad about the video, it would really have been helpful with ID.

Basically, it looks like white streamers of slime flowing in the current.

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That's too bad about the video, it would really have been helpful with ID.

Basically, it looks like white streamers of slime flowing in the current.

sounds about right. hopefully it will all be gone when i get home from work. then all will be right in the world again. and i'll get pics of all my new frags up :).


Acetominaphors are gone...but they broke my camera as they were thrashing about :( "Lens error" (seriously though, the slimy stuff is completely gone as of today!) :happy:

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new pictures...you can see the acetaminaphor webs in some of them.







I'm not entirely sure what happened to the pics in the previous posts but i'll get to the bottom of that as well.

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