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Toad's 2.5


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I would like to introduce to everyone my 2.5 gallon AGA :D


If your interested you can see the specs on my webpage here: Matt's Pico Reef Construction


I figured I would keep the talk short and get on with the pictures, but first I want to give a VERY special thanks to Bryan over at www.thelogicalreef.com for the INCREDIBLE corals and service. 9 out of 10 of the corals in there are from him. He took time out to work with me and make me some AWESOME coral/zoa packs. I have never had a better experiance purchasing a product in my life, from corals to the kitchen sink. Thank you Bryan!


On with the pictures!


Full tank shot 11-20-03



Cranberry Zoas



Cool Zoa Mix



There are lots more pictures and information on my webpage under my reef section, then check the 'New Pico Reef'



Let me hear those comments :)

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Very nice on the pico!


How long have you had that Maxima in your nano? How's it been doing? I'm thinking of getting one and have a very similar setup.



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Thanks so much for all the kind words guys :D



Sarnack: I have had that clam for about a year and 1/2 now. It is doing great! The only thing is that in the 20 gallon I use natural salt water, so that may or may not contribute to the sucess of that guy, I coudln't tell you for sure.


Spencerx: It is 10,000k and 03 actinic :) Check out my webpage for all the details on that kinda stuff.


Here is a picture for size reference to show just how little this guy is, this picture (lights out) is next to a one gallon water jug.

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yep have to old the old 4 second flavor! The saddest part about that gum was that the 4 seconds wasn't even very good either.


Those marketing people were pretty damn smart!

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nalbar: The K&N is great, I love mine :D


C Jerome: Jahkaya is right, it is in my 20 gallon with 2x65. It really isn't all that much work though. I do use NSW in that tank, but the only other thing I do to him is once a week give him a direct shot of DT's.


I used to LOVE that gum but looking back it did suck... Thanks for all the kind words, makes it all worth while :)

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Another tank to which i can only say: "Sweeeeeeeeeeeet"


I'm probably going to do a little pico (1.66 hex from wallyworld) on my desk soon. Mostly as a frag tank. 'Cause... y'know... might as well put them somewhere fancy ;)


I -love- the sarcophyton. I've always had a thing for those. How's it doing? Easy to care for?



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I can't help but smile when I read ya'll post, thanks so much :D


onthefly: I did get the candy cane from Bryan, its a great little coral :)


TiGs: I have had it set up for about 5 months or so I think, not all too long but it cycled FAST at the beggining.


BlackSumbel: I got the toadstool from Bryan with my first coral order. It has been doing great, some days it extends its polyps so much they skim the surface of the water. Somedays it seems not to extend quite as much, but usually it is in between the two extremes. So far so good :)

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