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Coral Vue Hydros

Sea Apple tank


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hey all,

i was wondering what size tank could i keep a sea apple in, yes i know they are toxic but are they reef safe(besides the toxic part) and what do they eat?


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anthias, they are very hard to keep and when they die, the tank usually goes with it.


If you want to keep one, I would suggest doing it in a very large tank so the inevitable death doesn't have a huge impact on the tank.


I know I'm not sounding very positive about the apples but I have had nothing but troubles with them and all I have read on these boards is similar to my experiences.

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i know that sea apples are difficult and nasty in death which is why i want a species tank for one.

what i was thinking of doing was setting up a 10-20gal with some live rock just for him and maybe putting some shrooms in it also(to cut down on the loss if he does kick it).

what do they eat specifically, do they mop detritus, filter feed ,photosynthesize or something else?

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filter feeder. dt's or marine snow should make em happy.


again, they tend to not live long in captivity so you shouldn't expect a long life.


I would avoid putting anything else in the tank since the apple death will most likely kill everything else in the tank.

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I call them the apple of death......


very beautiful.....


had one in my 55gallon reef.......


when it went, it took $2000.00 worth of livestock with it.....


that is when I qiut the hobby.....10 years ago.....


apple only tank, does sound good...I think a 5 gallon would do the trick.....

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but are they reef safe(besides the toxic part)


Kind of a contradiction in terms, isn't it? ???


I would only try them in a species only tank--I've heard to many stories of them taking entire systems out with them. Proceed with caution given the comments above...


Hey Wombat, your link is for an article Stonogobiops spp. Are you suggesting he try this instead, or is it just the wrong link?

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I had a sea apple in my tank for 3 months it was one of my first purchases, (my first big noob purchase). It did great, I had no problems with it at all. I wasn't feeding Phyto at the time, Just my normal weekly water changes, It was in my 29 Gallon. The only problem I had was it would wander alot which was fine at first, but eventualy as I purchased more live stock I decided to trade it back into the store in fear it would bump into one my urchin and create a mess. It won't kill everything if it dies natrually (but I wouldn't advice leaving it in the tank with everything else once it does die) It takes alot to stress them out. Um, I'm not sure what is diffcult about them? They do not require special feeding or High dollar Lighting. I've thought about placing another one in my tank now that it is urchin free, but they move around to much and knock stuff over.. Plus they Get BIG.. I mean BIG.. My guy, when he wanted to move would fill up with water to become light and go from 2-3" up to about 7-8 AROUND, and just float around the tank the attach it's self in wierd places.. Also you have to make sure all your power heads are "anenome safe" if it's tenticals would get stuck in your power head... BAD BAD BAD..


Also there are to differnt kinds, the Red and Blue ones, are the "safer" of the two from what I understand over.


When it says reef safe it means, it won't eat your corals. To be honest i haven't heard to many stories of wipe outs, this is the first first hand one I've read. It seems most people just steer clear..


To the person who lost there 55 Did they take out your corals to? Or just your fish? That's one thing I never got a clear answer on, and how did it happen? Was it dead for a while hidden? Or did it puke it guts and did you try to do water changes and still everything died? Were you running a protein skimmer? How long was it alive for before it died? What was the cause of death?

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if stressed toxins are generally released. death or dying is usually stress enough to release the toxins.


also, they are one of those animals that can do very well over the short term and then suddenly up and die on you.


brahm,, 3 months is a very short period of time to claim success. I'm not saying yours wouldn't have lived for ten years, simply put, 3 months of success is not enough time. You put one in a tank you take a big risk. I don't think it is worth that risk.

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just realized that brahm was the flowerpot owner. similar situation there brahm. consensus is that they don't do well. not saying it isn't possible, just that most don't have much success with them. same as apples.


perhaps your tank is a magic tank.

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No my tank is not magic thats for sure. I can't keep starfish at ALL.. And I have a couple bad fish stories 1 as recent as this weekend :(


But, I do know that the sea apple which I had in my tank is still back in the store where I returned it. It was in the store for about 3-4 months before I purchased it, so..as for right now It's going on maybe 9-10 months of living in captivity and I have no idea how long they had it before then. The guy I purchased it from has had his in his tank at home for about 3 years if I rember right.


And by no means Was I trying to say 3 months was a success. Just that I have cared for one, and It was my first addition to a new tank (please note: my tank was up for about 2 months before I added anything, I also did not have a protien skimmer, or a fuge at the time). During that time I only saw growth in the creature, and it was always feeding. Which is one of the tell-tale signs of the health of a Sea apple is if it's not feeding or taking on some water.


I tried to read up as much as I could on them, and i really didn't come across to much about them not living well in captivity like flowerpots.. Just when they go.. Watchout.


Unlike flower pots there is no mystory additive that they need and we do not know about. They are just filter feeders.... Filter feeders full of toxins that is!

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Hey all


I just want to say. My sea apple is fine in my 7 gallons since my purchase. From my observation, you can make a sea apple tank easily. The trick is you should block all the power head by using LIve Rocks. And try to make your HOB filter on either left or right hand corner.


I cant upload my photo. I am still new to here.Sorry


The apple will automatically anchor at a corner with high waterflow. It is true that sometimes the apple will wander about.

But I find that if you make your HOB with high waterflow , it wont move easily for the apple needs current to filter its food.

I feed it with DT'. The more you feed it, the more charming is this little creature.It opens up its polyps and waves to the current.

It is so beautiful.


Hope you enjoy your future sea apple.

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