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Innovative Marine Aquariums

first salwater tank pics


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  • 2 weeks later...



i've added a couple new photos. i was able to remove the xenia from the small rock it was attached to and was able to propagate it onto a larger piece. at first it kept sliding out from under the rubberband but after a few tries it worked. it took only a couple of days before it attached. I've also added another 32w PC, a feather duster, some zoos and a blenny.

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you could pull out the LR and glue a piece of pvc pipe down the center of it, then you can either lay ur rocks against it or epoxy them to whatever aquascaping youd like! give it a try. im probably going to make a larger tank like that one of these days. i love the tall tanks! looks great if the aquascaping is piled up just right. halides are a must! looks great!

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thanks for the tip Liverocker. I'm gonna try that. Right now, I have my LR piled up and leaning against the back wall/glass so you can view it from the front and from the sides. But if I make a wrong move, when I stick my hand there to add something new, the pile starts falling apart. Epoxy should help keep it more stable.


Yah I really want halides but it's not in he budget right now, probably after the holidays. Of if Santa likes me this year itll be under the tree.

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