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need expert help!!!


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I am setting up another 5.5gal nano and would like to know if 2x32w pc and 2x13w pc's 10ks and 03 would be sufficient for almost any corals in a 5.5gal? you help would be appreciated. thank you.

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thats alot of light for a 5.5...not that I am a fan of the watts/gallon idea, but it does give a perspective...you would be over 16 watts/gallon....90 watts! Many ten gallons dont have this much. You should be able to keep stonies in there no problem. Some lower light species like shrooms might need a little shade, but go for it. Some of the cooler corals are the higher light ones anyways IMO. Xenia, acro, sun polyps, zoos...should all go fine under thatmuch light...maybe even grow like weeds. I would like to see pics when it's set up, sounds cool.

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