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Cultivated Reef

Water Choice


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So my local store is not selling the freshwater that i use to top off my tank normally, So i have to find a new place. Well i found a location but am not sure if this is the best water. Basically the label says "steam destilled Micro filtration, Ozonation" Will this work? is it the same as revers-osmosis water? thanks

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Distilled is probably a little better than RO only but not as good as RO/DI. Back in the old days distillation systems used copper pipes much like the pictures of the old whiskey stills you see in movies though today most are glass or epoxy lined stainless steel and titanium. No worries.

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If its REALLY distilled then it will be great for use in your tank. Just make sure you get the tds checked before you use it to make sure its ~0


Also, you might want to get a ro/di system. You will be able to make your own water whenever you want and not lug around gallon containers. The mighty mite is good and portable, its what i use.

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Yah i plan to get one sooner or later but for now i was just wondering whether that water is sufficient in quality. Ill have to see if i can get a TDS meter local. Will any meter be ok?

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Most TDS meters are pretty much the same. Try to get one with a resolution of 1 TDS and a 2%+/- accuracy. HM Digital and Hanna are probably the most popular brands.

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