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Hayseed's Unofficial 12" Not-A-Cube Contest Tank


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Bob, I think he may be a bit large for the contest tank. I'm hoping for one about 1 to 1.5 inches, hopefully he'll be no more than 3 inches at contest end. I don't want to mistreat the fish by confining it and I don't want the Angler arm of the Tang Police hunting me down. He's an awesome looking fish though. Did the guy say he would honor the FPG price when he gets them in?


Simple, he'd look great with black sand for sure. I need to get on the mini monster thread and see if using black sand will cause him to morph to black/grey.

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Bob, I think he may be a bit large for the contest tank. I'm hoping for one about 1 to 1.5 inches, hopefully he'll be no more than 3 inches at contest end. I don't want to mistreat the fish by confining it and I don't want the Angler arm of the Tang Police hunting me down. He's an awesome looking fish though. Did the guy say he would honor the FPG price when he gets them in?


Simple, he'd look great with black sand for sure. I need to get on the mini monster thread and see if using black sand will cause him to morph to black/grey.



I didn't see he was already 2 1/2".


He said they should be the same price or very close to it.

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I didn't see he was already 2 1/2".


He said they should be the same price or very close to it.



Cool, cool.

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baaah!!!! these 12" cubes reak of no pichers......





ahhhhhh!!!! omgomgomg


Can't take pichers of something you don't have...sorry.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Time for an update...


I ended up purchasing a 12" Coralife Aqualight (Dual Satellites were sold out everywhere), adjustable mounting legs and the moonlight. The Eco-Lamp would've cost close to $300 after having it modded ($65 to have it modded to 2 power cords, 3 isn't a possibility), paying shipping and duty. I'm sure the Aqualight will suffice since my corals will be non-photosynthetic for the most part. Also picked up a Coralife timer, some CaribSea Hawaiian Black Sand and some Tropic Marin reef salt.


On the livestock front, I've found where I'll purchase most of my corals and a beefed up CUC to handle the excess food, but still haven't found a clown angler.


Would a DSB in the fuge be of any benefit considering how small it will be? Or should I just keep as much chaeto in there as possible? I've purchased a filter conversion for the Rio 800, planning to run small bags of Purigen and SeaGel in it. Any problems with that plan? I have no experience with either product, but filtration and nutrient export remain a top concern with the proposed livestock. Any help/advice is always appreciated.

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omgomgomg Anybody have any connections to suppliers of frogfish?...Antennarius Maculatus in particular. Has anyone seen any in their local LFS? I've searched the internets and haven't found any WYSIWYG clown anglers under 1.5". I have reservations about buying a $100+ fish sight unseen. Most e-tailers show a stock pic of Maculatus, but under description state Antennarius sp. I don't want to get screwed and be stuck with a fish that's going to be 7"-10". I'm in no way prepared or interested in housing a large angler. HAAALP!
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Got my StevieT fuge light in today. I also ordered 16lbs of Bali Alor live rock from aquacon.com. I checked every LFS in my area and the ones that had live rock wanted $9+ for base rock. I held off on ordering from aquacon.com because of bad reviews. I just kept getting stuck on the Bali Alor rock and the free shipping, wish me luck. I am officially ready to start this unofficial contest...except for finding an angler.

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very curious about your rock. My local fish store has an angler for roughly 60$, I wasn't sure if it was the right kind for you though. hmm



a fuzzy wsiwyg angler at 2", says it gets to 5" 40$ Dunno if that would get to big for this tank to quick or not.


Decent price on him, but too big. I'm still hoping to find a wartskin angler. wljimbo put me in touch (thank you) with someone that will hopefully come through for me.

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Got my liverock today. post-42303-1252017595_thumb.jpg It's the Bali Alor from from aquacon.com. It's pretty much what I expected, good coralline coverage. The bastards charged me $10.00 extra (which is one of the things in their many bad reviews) so I gotta get that straightened out. Other than that, it took a little less than 24 hrs to get to me, it was packaged very well and I'm happy with it.


Edit: It turns out the $10 extra charge was a fee for an order less than $100. I was never advised of the charge at any point during checkout, it was hidden deep in their shipping policy.

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Got my liverock today. post-42303-1252017595_thumb.jpg It's the Bali Alor from from aquacon.com. It's pretty much what I expected, good coralline coverage. The bastards charged me $10.00 extra (which is one of the things in their many bad reviews) so I gotta get that straightened out. Other than that, it took a little less than 24 hrs to get to me, it was packaged very well and I'm happy with it.

I was gonna order from them but decided not to after reading all the terrible reviews. Rock looks good though!

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  • 2 weeks later...

You will have it by saturday if I have to hand deiver it!


It is nearly done now. I just have to install the false wall router and prep the edges and water test. I will have a pic tonight :)

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post-42303-1254200497_thumb.jpg The obligatory T-shirt shot.


post-42303-1254200792_thumb.jpg The current FTS. Rockwork is by no means permanent.


post-42303-1254200943_thumb.jpg 'nother FTS


post-42303-1254201120_thumb.jpg Left side.


post-42303-1254201258_thumb.jpg Right side close-up...wall is too close to get a better pic.

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Looks good! I like the black sand. I was going to go with black sand on this tank like my other one, but it would have looked bad with the rock wall.

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I came home at 6 to find the tank sitting on my front porch. I decided then and there I wasn't going to sleep until the damn thing was filled with saltwater, sand and liverock. I've waited way too long already. I had Scooternerd build me a tank since the original one I purchased from Erickrm experienced "logistical" problems. The tank is well built and was packaged very well, not to mention the less than one week turn-around. So in a nutshell, Scooter will get my recommendation anyday.


First thing I did was tape up the tank and spraypaint the back and sides up to the false wall. While it was drying I drove all over town looking for a stand (or something that would function as one). The search turned up nothing, but I live on an island with a crapload of antique shops, I'm hoping I'll find something when I have time to hit them up. For now the tank resides on my nightstand, the GF likes the moonlight so it may end up staying there.


Thanks again, Scoot!

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I came home at 6 to find the tank sitting on my front porch. I decided then and there I wasn't going to sleep until the damn thing was filled with saltwater, sand and liverock. I've waited way too long already. I had Scooternerd build me a tank since the original one I purchased from Erickrm experienced "logistical" problems. The tank is well built and was packaged very well, not to mention the less than one week turn-around. So in a nutshell, Scooter will get my recommendation anyday.


First thing I did was tape up the tank and spraypaint the back and sides up to the false wall. While it was drying I drove all over town looking for a stand (or something that would function as one). The search turned up nothing, but I live on an island with a crapload of antique shops, I'm hoping I'll find something when I have time to hit them up. For now the tank resides on my nightstand, the GF likes the moonlight so it may end up staying there.


Thank again, Scoot!


no problem bro! tank is lookin efen awesome! is that an mp10?

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Thanks, Scoot and Envy. No, that is a Koralia Nano...wish it was an MP10 though.


On a side note...I nicked the inside front while I was placing the rock. It's very slight, nobody would notice it if I didn't point it out, but it's driving me crazy. Any recommendations on products and/or methods to fix it. Novus 1 and 2? Where can I get that or is it online only? I realize it's not the last scratch it'll get...I'm just OCD about it.

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