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C Jerome's BioCube 29 Custom LED

C Jerome

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This spring I was running out of space in my BC14, wanted to increase the lighting and saw a member of my club selling a BC29. It was like the perfect storm. When the seller accepted my offer the first piece fell into place, then about the same time soundwave posted his DIY guide on RC for the LED build, piece number two.

I decided to take my time and get everything together for the new tank and complete the lighting build before transferring. I completed two LEDs builds a smaller 12 LED one first for my pico then the 24 LED for the BC29, you can see my post here. I am really happy with how both turned out.

Prior to transferring the BC14 to the BC29 I had a few questions I posted in this thread, unfortunately many of the posts were lost with the corruption.


Start Date July 7, 2009 (transfered from BC14)



  • BioCube 29
  • Custom LED Hood
  • BioCube Stand
  • Custom LED Fuge Light
  • Korilia 1
  • Starboard Bottom
  • Rio1100 (return)
  • ReefKeeper Lite3
  • AquaticLife Internal Mini Protein Skimmer 115
  • Heater
  • Upgraded return bulkhead
  • Removed tab between chamber 1-2
  • Removed black from rear center compartment
  • Made a critter guard to keep critters from going over false wall
  • Installed set of cooling fans on feeding hatch.



  • Clown Fish Pair
  • Yellow Clown Goby
  • Maroon Stripe Clown Goby
  • Wheelers Watchman Goby
  • Assorted Snails
  • Blue Leg Hermits(small)
  • Brittle Star
  • 3 Sexy Shrimp
  • Cleaner Shrimp
  • Pigmy Angel Fish(started picking on clam, traded to club member with 180g, happy with new found space!)
  • Sunburst Anthills (Deceased)



  • Live Rock - not sure how many pounds but I guess around 20, its really porous and light very nice stuff I have had some of it since my first tank, 8 years ago.
  • halimeda algae



  • Would like to make a comprehensive list and even have updated key photo, to come later...
  • LPS
    Orange Plate
    Pink Plate
    Acan x3
  • Zoos
  • Softies
  • SPS
    Montipora orange with purple rim


FTS 9/20/09

See Full Size Image HERE


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So you're the one who got the other orange ST plate. I see. I see. Glad you got more room to work with. The old one was looking cramped.


The angel is so cute.

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The Set-up


I decided to put board under the rocks for a few reasons: initially i was going to use rods to raise up and connect the rocks and did not want the point force on the glass but that proved to be too much of a pain so I did not use the rods, one day when I move from my apartment I will have to move the tank and I would feel better if there was something under the rock, I am more protected from a rock slide, if I decide to go bare bottom I am ready.

I ordered the 3/8 HDPE from amazon and cut it so one piece filled the back and then the one for the front arch area then cut spacers so it would not slide around or encroach on the silicon bead.



To eliminate the restriction created by the stock bulkhead I removed it and replaced with a 3/4 inch loc-line MPT adaptor. I traced the outline of the MPT around the stock hold and cut out using a dremel, I erred on the small side so that the MPT actually just threads into the hole, I picked up a gasket at Ace to use on the tank side to ensure a nice seal. It threaded well enough that I can just stick the tubing into it but I will use a 3/4 slip/FPT elbow threaded onto it to hold in place and to make a nice connection.


Not sure which loc-line I will settle on for the tank side but I am leaning toward a 3/4 Y without nozzles, just a few links and maybe with the notches on the side to increase velocity, as seen here.



Removed the black stuff from the rear center compartment, was not sure where the fuge basket would end up so I removed it from the whole section as it would be impossible to remove any once the tank was full and against the wall. I built a custom LED fuge light that I will setup once my RKL is up.



My chiller, I had a similar but more ghetto fan setup on my BC14 so I wanted to make this one more classy the fans are mounted on the inside of the feeding lid and I will install filter covers to clean it up shortly. They will be attached to RKL to come on as needed.



A quick peek of where the magic happens, the LED system I built.



A final salute to the BC14 a few days prior to transfer, as you can see things were getting a little cramped.



Shortly after transfer, as you can see the water is a little cloudy but not bad at all, I pre-washed the sand and then put a sheet of plastic wrap down on the main front area with a saucer on top of it, this really helps to keep the 'dust' down and from stirring it up when adding the water in.



This shot was after maybe 48 hours, corals still on the sand waiting to be relocated to rock work. I tried to maintain a very similar arrangement of the rock as in the BC14 because I was really happy with the way it was. It was a little difficult to get the positioning right in the bigger tank but I think I did a good job. I knew from the start I would need a little more rock to fill it out, in this photos I was thinking of adding a piece to the top left or right or maybe even something down front.

My frags were out of hand so I took some down to my favorite LFS and traded them for store credit/cash? NO! for other different corals, obviously!



Beam me up, the way I currently have the moonlights arranged this is the illumination I get when its really dark, is there anything I can do to get a more diffuse pattern or improve the looks of this MIB abduction scene?



Updated Photos

These shots were taken on Monday 7/20/09

You will notice I added a piece of rock on the top right, I picked it up from a local reefer who is taking down her tank. Not quite as porous as the stuff I have but it still fits in.



Different view looking up toward the top right and the new piece of rock.



A guy about forty minutes from me was going to set up a little retail shop in his basement so he has 18 tanks set up and was stocking up but plans changed and he needs to liquidate, I made a trip there on Sunday and picked up some nice pieces include the below pagoda, I figure if I bought elsewhere it would have cost at least 1.4-1.6X more depending on the piece.


A pretty good macro shot, considering I am using a casio point and shoot!



I picked this guy up for literally a few dollars last winter from the LRS, it had fallen or been attacked by another coral and there was only about one or two centers alive, over time it has made a great recovery and is encrusting well.



From the guy closing out his basement shop.



The sexy shrimp, they have migrated from the kenya tree up to this spot now.



Goby and Anthills, the Acan skeleton the goby is resting on is the only real casualty from the transfer, not sure what happened.



Angel fish, Duncan, and more...



Kenya tree looked unhappy for 24-48 hours and even dropped off a piece or two that I attached to some rubble, not sure why but it was looking happy today.



Some Zoos, I have subsequently set up a little zoo garden in the front right but I think these guys are still up on the rocks.



A different night shot.



I need to take even more updated photos now, since taking these I have moved the new corals I picked up on Sunday up to spots on the rock work and move a few other things around.

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Way to post between my posts, and yes I picked up that nice orange plate and the pagoda!

Did you get one?

Those LT plates were weird, too long for me.

The angel has been a good citizen so far only picking at the rock for algae and not bothering corals. I had one in a tank before and really enjoy their swimming habits, in and out of the rock work. I have a lot of arches, caves and holes so its interesting to watch.



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Way to post between my posts, and yes I picked up that nice orange plate and the pagoda!

Did you get one?

Those LT plates were weird, too long for me.

The angel has been a good citizen so far only picking at the rock for algae and not bothering corals. I had one in a tank before and really enjoy their swimming habits, in and out of the rock work. I have a lot of arches, caves and holes so its interesting to watch.





Everything looks great! I might go ahead and try the BC29 led hood conversion!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just picked up a bunch of LPS from a local club member!

Set up my RKL and cleaned up some other stuff, updated pics to come soon...

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Tank looks awesome, Jerome!! B) Very detailed setup of all that's going on with it. Your mag-rack, is it something you made, or something you bought??

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My summer temperature is pretty much controlled by the weather here, I prefer not to run the AC except when its really hot/humid. Yesterday it was pretty warm, high 80s, so my temps were around 80.2 I think, I have the fans (as you can see above) and now that my RKL is set up I have them set to come on at a temp and 4 alarms that sequentially shut down the system as the temp goes up. I picked items to shut off in order of wattage skimmer, koralia, white lights, blue lights.

With the RKL and the accurate thermometer I will be able to get a better idea now of the temps between night and day and the difference if any when the LEDs are on/off

I will be posting a chart of my Reef keeper lite program shortly.



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I missed the one post above, I made the mag racks, now I just have the top thin one in the tank with my little frag farm. I used some Nimble Supers and egg crate, I actually have to make a new one, I just organized a group buy locally for the black egg crate!



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Cool, thanks! Was just curious about it. I have an eggcrate piece I got during a local trade show that's sold by... I can't remember off the top of my head now, but it's thicker than typical Home Depot eggcrate, so that plugs won't fall over out of it. Anyways I have it holding up in place using a Nimble Super I have. it's working out so far (I'll have to get you pics of it) but now I think I'll have to order another for normal glass cleaning duties, lol! :P Do you make any type of specific magnet rounds using the super magenets, for mag-racks??


Anyways, I love how clean you made your hood look with all the mods to it. Any ideas on how much light the LEDs are putting out compared to say an equivallent MH setup? Looks like everything is thriving well under it thus far. :)

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Please see below for the Reef Keeper lite program I set up. What temp do you run your reef at? As I said above I dont have a chiller so I want to run it a little warm during the summer so there is not as big a swing. What do you think of the lighting period, too long? Do you think the alarms I have set will help at all in minimizing heat being added to the water from the associated components?

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Still looking for some feedback on my question above.

I updated the spreadsheet so I removed the old one and have uploaded a new one below.

Click the thumbnail and then click the image again for a really big one.


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  • 1 month later...


I picked up my first clam this past friday in a online group buy. Check it out below!

I will post some updated full tank shots in a few days. Have added several pieces and done some re organizing.


Blue with gold and blue speckles


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Thanks! Its pretty 'big' too, I think at least 3 inches which is a nice change of pace because I bought it from the 2-3 inch group and usually with stuff like that is like 2.1 inches.

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You have a very nice tank. Your LED mod looks so clean, and functional. This is the first aio LED thread I've looked at, that has decent tank pics with all the lights on. I'm quite impressed.



That's a very pretty clam too.

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I have added several pieces since the tank was set up and moved some stuff around. One of the most notable additions is the clam. I also picked up an acan and a favia (both in powered blue/purple color) from a local reefer last evening so they are not in the photos.


My previous tank was lit with 72w of PC since the tank was transfered the fist week in July I have been looking forward to seeing the brighter colors of many of the corals(LPS & SPS) under the increase PAR. At this point I cant say that I have seen that, I though it could take a few weeks but now it has been over two months. I think that most of the soft corals and polyps are brighter than ever, however I cant say the same for the LPS & SPS. I would like to get to the bottom of the coloration issue and get it rectified. I had a local reefer over and he suggested maybe the light is not strong enough, but I am leaning more toward it being too strong. I am thinking in this direction because the plates and stuff on the sand are of fairly good coloration but not great flesh extension again maybe too much? (No one local has a par meter so thats out of the box for measuring.)

Has anyone else with LEDs experienced something similar or the contrary, fantastic coloration?

Please share any insights you might have.


With the new clam I will need to increase and maintain my calcium levels. In consideration of this as well as the coloration issues I have reviewed above I am going to switch salts. I have been using Instant Ocean since my first nano almost 8 years ago because its a standard, was easily available, and there were less choices then. I am just coming to the last few cups of a 160 gallon bucket and am ready for a change. I will begin the transition to SeaChem Reef Salt with my next water change.


The AquaticLife Protein Skimmer 115 has really started to pull some nice skimmate. It took a while for it break in and for me to get it adjusted to the right hight and flow. I think it is in a good place now and the skimmate that it is producing is not too wet so I do not need to empty the cup frequently. There are however still microbubbles coming out with the return water. This is frustrating and I need to find a solution. Not positive if its all due to the skimmer or not, could the pump be adding them in somehow? I guess I need to run a test with the skimmer off for a few hours to see how the return water looks? Any other ideas?


My parents visited this weekend and I had my father bring along his DSLR and was able to snap these shots.

Full Tank Shot See Full Size HQ Image HERE



Under Blue LED during 'sunrise'



The plate has these cool lighter areas visible under both day light and blue only.



Zoo garden and favia



Day light






Clam next to zoos



Loooog Polyp Leather



Clown Goby



The other Clown Goby



One of my new favorite pieces, the green looks so metallic in real life, its like there is glitter in there.



Two top down shots




Close Up on the clam, notice the huge difference in coloration from the front tank photo a few above to this one top down with pumps off. See Full Size HQ Photo HERE


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So far I have not had an issue with the pigmy angel nipping the clam or corals. I had one a few years ago in another tank and did not have any problems. I really like their swimming habits and coloration so when I upgraded to the larger tank I had to get another one. I keep the fish well fed I am not sure if this helps or if its a sort of hit or miss with individuals.


I did cut the circuit board during the modification process so I could easily hook the moon lights back up. If you look at the board there are like two sides. One for the moon lights and one that deals with the fans. The moon light side is just like a power strip. You plug the DC power into one and then the LEDs into the others. I think I just used a little hack saw to cut it between the two sections. I did not need the fan one but did need the space so I trimmed it off. I assume you are asking because you already saw the photo in my build thread, if not check it out. Let me know if that clears up your questions.



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