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new tank cycle chemistry


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nano cube 28g

These are my parameters

7/11/09 Amonia -.25ppm , Nitrite 1.00ppm , Nitrate 5.00 ppm

7/13/09 Amonia -.50ppm , nitirite 1.00pm, nitrate 10.00 ppm

7/15/09 Amonia .25ppm nitrite 1.00ppm , nitrate 10.00 ppm


My tank is 9 days old when should i do a water change and when do i know if they are ready to start adding anything. My cycle has been done for 7 days with lights off i started turning them on now for 4-6 hours. Should i be looking still for a spike.


salinity is 1.023



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First wait until ammonia and nitrite are zero. Keep the lights near your proposed normal times to help beneficial algae surviving.

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