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Coral Vue Hydros

My First Nano


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Greetings from DownUnder!

I recently got my 22G Nano up and running mid September 2003.

Its an AquaOne 620 with the built in lights and 7.5w trickle filter canopy system.

2 x 20w on boards fluros 1x14400k and 1 actinic blue 10000k.

Added a 150w AquaOne heater and a 300 lph jet.

Stacks of dead rock, 5lb of Live rock.

Queensland Coral sand.

Also added a female sailfin Molly in to test the conditions during cycling. Poor thing made it thru Ammonia and Nitrite spikes. Actually she didn't even bat an eyelid!

So did all the hermit crabs and resident shrimps.


Sometime in mid October i added 3 corals, Torch, Trachy and Catalphyllia, together with 2 clowns. (oscillaris)

Everything went well with zero casualties...


So back to the store to find some more exciting corals ... they were Sinularia(Fingerleather) 2nd Catalphyllia.


2 weeks later I added a Damsel Humbug fish , and a Domino to get some excitement happening. All went well.


Removed the Molly and place her back into my freshwater aquarium.


Last week i just had to buy a nice Sarcophyton, larger Torch and the Bright Green Trachy you see.


I toyed with the idea of a protein skimmer, but i dont like the look of unnecessary plumbing. So I perform a 10% water change each Saturday (wash day)


I just hope i dont get caught on the phone one morning, sidetracked and pour detergent into my tank :-o


The Nano reef resides in my study. I play my guitar and gaze at the reef. Great stress relief!


Some friends think i've lost the plot and other friends think it all looks grand.


My wife wont talk to me ... jealous no doubt.


Ammonia =0

Nitrite =0

Nitrate = who knows

pH = 8.2

Temp = 26C (figure that out)


Im keen to hear any useful advice or tips etc.





Adelaide - Home of Andy Thomas and Lleyton Hewitt!

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