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Every system has nitrates at 20ppm and up!


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well the majority of the sand i do believe came from the original owner that had a cyno issue... he only had 3 fish... i am afraid though, if i completely replace the sandbed, wont the tank have to re-cycle? what would i dow ith all my fish and corals during that time???


also.. Colgan... is ur avatar a picture of u?? =)


and basser- i meant no offense.. but the idea of taking an issue to a local fish store around here is like going to the goodwill to buy brand new furniture.. just not a good idea..

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Colgan could be on to something....... Can you consolidate your livestock in the other tanks? Replace your sand one tank at a time?


BTW, I hear ya! I've heard some horror stories about some LFS!

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lol...yes that is me!


I honestly am going to get s--t for this, but i swear if you add live sand that is the key you already have a bioload in the live rock you have and the live sand will have the good bacteria you can just swap out the sand and then place the live stock back in the tank this is the way i have done every tank i have ever set up and have never had a problem what so ever doing it this way! I don't care what people say live sand, live rock=ready for live stock just add slowly as long as you don't see nitrate spikes you are good, but i think you will be totally fine......i really feel like it might of been the sand you got mine came from a predator tank and i didn't know so hahahahaha i was a noob and thought i was doing something good getting live sand yea right! ahhh the good ol days :)





and i feel ya about LFS btw here in Louisville they are amazing and only get my water test at the LFS, but in my home town in western ky it is pretty piss poor and would trust them with keeping a betta alive ha

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And I added an extra 1 1/2" of sand to my already established tank when I got my bluespot jawfish. Didn't have any problems at all! ;)


lol...yes that is me!


and i feel ya about LFS btw here in Louisville they are amazing and only get my water test at the LFS, but in my home town in western ky it is pretty piss poor and would trust them with keeping a betta alive ha



I'll be working in Madisonville and Hopkinsville this week! ;)

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hmmmm.. so... what sand should i buy? how should i go about this??? i mean.. do i buy the dry sand? the bag of sand with water in it, or dry sand with a scoop of live sand to seed it, or the live sand the lfs sells?


how deap should i have the sand be?


the other 29 has only been set up a week so i dont think i should put my corals in there just yet...


and colgan... ahh... if ur ever in iowa.. umm... yea.. =)

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i tested the ro water from the store and it tested zero nitrates




lets say for isntance that they had a high level of tds... how does that effect nitrates and why wouldnt i know that with my nitrate test kit?


i get my water from 2 places.. one i know has zero tds and the other, the grocery store, i guess i just assumed they had otds.. oh yea.. and i dont know a damn ting about "tds" i know its total dissolved solids but that still means nothing to me

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I used the caribsea brand because it was what I already had. I would go about 1" to 1 1/2" deep. I think it would be worth a try. ;)

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:blush: thanks i want to go hunting there huge white tails!.......and if its only been a week it might resolve itself if your not seeing a problem with corals might want to give it a month.....
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well yea, thats prolly what i will do... just wait until the other system is up and running... then transfer the sand out, try to find a decent new or used skimmer.. ( any u guys would suggest that will fit into a 29 biocube and cost under $100)



Colgan.. sorry.. dont usually hit on people on here.. but thats just a cute photo i guess. if u want a white tail u should be here right now.. i have two standing on my porch as i type this........ and u should see the turkey.. insane...

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WHat test kit you using? You got the bioballs still in? I know the API nitrate test kit is hard to read sometime.





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oh and the 2 systems that have no excuse for having nitrates have been up for 6 months...


api is easy to read when its dark ass orange, cant confuse that with yellow... and no bioballs

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well yea, thats prolly what i will do... just wait until the other system is up and running... then transfer the sand out, try to find a decent new or used skimmer.. ( any u guys would suggest that will fit into a 29 biocube and cost under $100)



Colgan.. sorry.. dont usually hit on people on here.. but thats just a cute photo i guess. if u want a white tail u should be here right now.. i have two standing on my porch as i type this........ and u should see the turkey.. insane...


I will be the first to tell you this and 9 out of 10 people are going to say JUNK . I have the oceanic biocube protein skimmer in my biocube 29 and it works great for the little cube. It skims out some brown nasty. Every one says they are junk but I have nothing bad to say about it and my tank looks GR8888. I run the skimmer in chamber 1 a stevet media basket in the middle chamber with floss on top purigen in the middle chemi pure elite in the bottom and also in chamber 2 is my heater chamber 3 is my pump and I took out the stupid sponge.

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i have the biocube skimmer... it fills with water.. not skimmate.. nothing green or brown.. its a joke for me... i stuck it on the 12 gallon and it makes a lot of bubbles but thats about it.

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LOL that is what everyone says.That is so weird. I took mine out of the box hooked it up and first got NO bubbles then I took the backflow off the air line and since day one it skims out stuff that looks like syrup.




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