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Top Shelf Aquatics

Soil spilled in tank - PH through the roof. Advice please!


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Well, unfortunatly, a plant toppled from my window sill and a good amount of soil (with some fertalizers) go into my tank.


Lucky for me, no corlas (other than hitchikers) and no fish yet. Just live rock.


I managed to clean out most of the soil using sponges and nets... there is still a few bits on the sandbed.


Looks like my water parameters are a bit funky.


PH is at least 8.8... its as purple as the highest tested color.

Nitrate and Nitrite and Amonia are all basically 0.


Please advise the effects this could have and my next course of action. I almost cried when it happened... so much work getting it here.


Thanks guys!

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water changes, water changes, water changes. Don't fret too much. A lot worse of things could have happened to your tank!

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id say do a water change, and maybe add some pH buffer. If you water the plant regularly, the roots should have taken up most of the fertilizers already. So basically, you just got some dirt in your tank. I wouldnt worry too much. Hope everything works out though.

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Thanks guys! I will do a few water changes. I am done with my cycle, so I am not worried about throwing that off.


I guess its better than a bottle of windex falling in there... ahah!

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The Propagator

I will more then likely start a mini cycle seeing as your PH is way high now and the fert's have been introduced. the ferts will throw off the natural balance that the cycle formed and your nitrates and trites will more then likely skyrocket again :(

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if theres still alot of it on the sand bed. try siphoning it out with a airline tube.

its slow. but it works

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Deleted User 6

Yeah, you're fine. Do water changes until your levels are back to normal and make sure that there isnt any soil/fert left in the tank. And don't cry :flower:

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you may want to find out what type of soil you had. it would help knowing what fertilizers are in there some are much much worse than others for your tank. Watch out for algae too in the next few days.

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