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Top Shelf Aquatics

Nitrate Problem (Help please)


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After 5 months of good water quality, overnight my ammonia spiked to around 0.35ppm, and my nitrate was 0ppm, so I changed 5 gallons of water. Today my ammonia was 0 and my nitrate was up to 15ppm so I changed another 5 gallons.


I have a 24 Aquapod




2 clowns

1 cardinal

1 fire fish (goby)

1 diamond goby




3 astrea snails

5 hermit crabs

1 Mexican turbo




2 ricodeas

1 pipe organ

1 fiji leather

1 torch coral




I run a skimmer and poly fiber floss as my filter along with chemipure elite and purigen; change 5 gallons of water once a week and feed 1/3 of a cube of mysis shrimp.


The only changes I have made to my tank within the last couple of days prior the incident were the addition of a jbj 1/15 chiller and I changed the to 120 watts power compact lights.


Can you help me to figure this thing out?


Thank you

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Every single member of the tank is accounted for, I never had algae problems or anything weird happening 'til Saturday evening after I added the chiller, do you think that triggered a micro cycle?

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It looks like the chiller was the factor at fault of triggering a short cycle, today all water tests came back with 0

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