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Happy 8th Anniversary Nano-Reef.com!

Christopher Marks

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Christopher Marks

Happy 8th Anniversary Nano-Reef.com! Hard to believe it's already been eight years since the launch of Nano-Reef.com, isn't it? Over the past year the community has grown 41,900 members strong, and the forum saw its two millionth post. Thank you to all of our dedicated fans, contributors, and volunteers for helping make Nano-Reef.com the awesome site it is today! You are the soul of this site!


I hope you like our new site design! (Hold Shift and click the "Refresh" button on your browser if you're having trouble viewing it.) Don't forget to enter in our Birthday Prize Giveaway!


As is tradition, here's a look at our past seven anniversaries:


Happy birthday to us! Today marks Nano-Reef.com's 7th Anniversary! It's been a busy past year, and the community continues to grow faster than ever, with 34,182 members now signed up.


I wanted to take a moment to thank all of our awesome members that have made Nano-Reef.com the great site it is today! Needless to say the community wouldn't be anything without the contributions and support from our dedicated members and moderators. Thanks for seven amazing years!


Here's a look back at our past 6 anniversaries:


P.S. Check out our Birthday Prize Giveaway!


I can't believe it's been 6 years since I started Nano-Reef.com! You know what they say though, time flies when you're having fun! In the past year we passed a million posts on the forums, and there are now 26,762 members signed up.


This community wouldn't be anything today without all of our great members that keep the forums such a great place to visit. I want to thank all the people who have contributed to the site over the years, especially all the moderators who have given so much of their time watching over the site.


As always, here's a look at the past 5 anniversaries:


Today is Nano-Reef.com's 5th Anniversary, and it's been a great 5 years! The nano reef keeping hobby has grown tremendously in just the last year alone. We're now at 19,751 members and going strong. I think we can safely say that nano reefs have finally been accepted as a part of the hobby.


I believe we have a really great group of members here, and I want to thank everyone for making Nano-Reef.com such a great place to learn and have fun!


For tradition, here's a look from the past four years:


Happy 4th Anniversary Nano-Reef.com! Another great year has passed and we're now at 14,121 members. The popularity of nano reef keeping is at an all time high, and the nano-reef.com community is growing faster than ever. Thank you all for being a part of Nano-Reef.com!


In keeping with tradition, here's a look at the last three years:


It's been three great years together with everyone! We're now over 8000 members strong, and growing by well over 100 more each week. Thanks to all our members, old a new, for making Nano-Reef.com all that it is today!


Here's a peek back into the past two years:


Hey, we made it another year! Happy Birthday Nano-Reef.com! Just to give perspective on how much Nano-Reef.com has grown in the past year, here's a quote from last year:


One year ago this day, I started nano-reef.com in hopes of bringing together the nano reef keeping community, and teaching those with interest an easy way to keep one. I never would have dreamed it would grow so fast, 1158 members this morning, and help so many.


3422 members later, here we are at year two. Things sure have changed since Nano-Reef.com was first born. Nano Reefs are being discovered and created by more people than ever before. For all those who said it couldn't done; look at us now! Thank you all for being part of this great community. I still believe there's something special about this group!

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Happy Birthday Nano-Reef! Thank you again for this awesome site Chris. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help make it better (if that's possible).

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Militant Jurist

Happy b-day! This place is the sole reason why I started keeping nanos, rather than waiting for a bigger tank! I'm glad to be a part of this site.

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Chris great job with a site for people who arent afraid to have saltwater in smaller tanks. This site proves that you can successfully keeping a thriving nano and picoreef without having a huge tank.

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Great site. Wouldn't be in the hobby if it wasn't for this board! Congratulations on 8 years and the new layout looks great!

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HBD NR!! Myself, like many of you got sucked into this site and never left. I'm glad I have been able to be a part of it.


Lets keep this site strong. I'll make sure we are the leaders in DIY LED activity, if thats ok with you guys of course ;)

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Awesome resource. Spent nearly a month on NR and acquired reliable and tested information from NR members. Couldn't imagine running my tank without the support of the NR community!

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Happy anniversary and many thanks to Chris for this community. What I've learned here has made my commitment to the hobby possible. The hobby has added a huge new segment to my life, and that would never have been the same without N-R. The folks here are friendly, helpful and hilarious!


It really is that good!


P.S. - Usually I hate the format changes - this one is really nice. Kudos, Fearless Leader!

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Congratulations Chris, on 8 successful years!! Did you think you would have such a great web-site 8 years ago? BTW, I like the new look, very classy!

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