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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Need advice on 5.5 lighting please?


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I bought a 5.5 all glass aquarium. I want to build it into a nano, I`m confused about the lighting. I bought two sylvania 23w bulbs, because they were on clearance at Lowes, but I`m not sure they will work with what I will need for the tank. Its a scew in type compact flourescent, 23w, but its only 3000k. Now that I got the tank home, and started poking around some more, it looks like for a little more (about 15.00) I could upgrade the hood that came with the tank, to just a glass cover, and use the hellolights kit that has two 9w pc bulbs, one actinic, one 10,000k. What do you think?

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IMO it's always best to spend the extra money and get quality stuff. Chances are you'll end up upgrading later and then have wasted money on an inferior set up.

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ah, the first steps into the money pit. oh yes, the first signs that the quicksand was deeper than it seemed. ::sigh:: days of lost youth.




the 2x9W are pretty low for a 5g imo. i thought they were low for a 1g. i think someone here has a 70W mh over the 5g and someone else has 150W mh over their 10g, so mo' light is mo' better (usually).


i would opt for 2x32W. that gives you the best options to adjust for animals and look. checkout the members' tank forum for some ideas. lighting doesn't have to be one of the first things you get. think about the animals and aquascaping you want and then you'll be able to zero in on the optimal lighting setup, budget and application.

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a strong recomendation that most here will agree on is lighting get the best lights than you can afford afford

while the 2 9w would look great for fish only they would not come close to makeing corals live well and prosper you could get away with a single 32w if you limit your self on what you put in the tank but if you can fit in the 2 32w 1 10k and 1 actin you'll be expanding you possiblities and now with the prices comeing down on the 70w MH lights and more examples of quality lights here on the members sections you should be able to get some great Ideas.

I recomend that you read some books and plan on what you want find out how big they get what are thier needs and capatability and then plan your lights for the long term.

like if you knew already that you want a maxima clam well start planning MH lights

you don't want $30 lights supporting hundreds of dollars of rocks,fish corals, and polyps

just like you don't drive on $30 tires (or at least i hope you don't)

but if buy the right lights from the start you won't be wasting money upgrading in the future and sell the older light at a loss

good luck

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