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New Additions to my minibow!!!


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Here are some new additions to my minibow. They are all members of sps I think. I would love to have id on these corals.. Thanks

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Looks like some acropora and some montipora digitata. You bought corals that you had no information on or the requirements to care for each coral? Bad form dude.

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I knew the classification but not the exact i knew that one was a purple tip acopora and one was a montipora digita and one was a some form of pavona. I do alot of reading I got a great deal on these frags and I wanted to try them. I know they require high lighting and steady cal and alk levels. my cal levels are 430 and my alk is 10 dkh. I am not a moron. I might not have enough light, but I am going to try. I have 32 watts over my 7 gallon minibow but all of them are up at the lights high.

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The monti digi wil be fine, I'm doing well with mine in my 7 with 32 watts, but really, the others, it's a crap shoot. IMO you may have just as well have opened the door and tossed your money out.

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THe only one I really have a question about is the purple tip acro, but he sold it to me for 10 bucks, so I thought I would try it. I have wasted 10 bucks on alot more stuff than that. If it does not survive at least I learned a lesson. All the others are a form of montipora. One is some sort of porite is what it was id at the lfs. I paid 45 dollars even for 6 nice sized pieces.

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Originally posted by cliffrouse11baseball

If it does not survive at least I learned a lesson.

that's the attitude skippy, good job....



or not. tell me you don't have children.

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Well, you did get a good deal, but remember, you are dealing with live animals here. It may not swim around and look cute but it's stil alive. Do your best to provide the corals with the proper lighting and flow and nutrients.

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Originally posted by cliffrouse11baseball

.  I am not a moron.  I might not have enough light, but I am going to try.  I have 32 watts over my 7 gallon minibow but all of them are up at the lights high.




stop the reef'tardation.... "trying to keep an Elephant in a closet or a fat man in a Weist Watchers program has the same results.....





FWIW.. I can already see the RTN on those stonies from those pictures....


Cut yer losses and DELETE this thread.

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I bet oh dave dont talk all this kind of ###### to peoples face huh???


You worry about your tank ill worry about mine. I was just posting pictures if you dont like shut the .... up.. You dont have to be a jerk about it. Ive read so many threads where you are a total a.. hole and there is no reason to be. Your on this board more than the moderator. Get a life. Get some friends...

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Nobody hates you nor do they not want to help you. Just read the comments and suggestions and adjust your tank as such. As for the smart elecks that roam the boards, the most simplistic of solutions is always the easiest. Put them on ignore. You'll thank me later :)


BTW - Don't feed the animals. Just makes them hungrier

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drrrr if u want to learn a lesson, try snorting some of ur live sand buddy.........what kind of idiot buys any live animal without knowing how to take care of it? a st00pid one




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hello... U just signed yer own Death warrant...


ps: :D



Friends ? Who needs friends when there are FN'GEEKS ?



you posted an assinine thread with intentions of "praise and Merit"...



you will get none from many.......




See the JCT douschebag.... Want to flame.. bring it.... Consider it Broughten

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I will not comment on anything about "snorting" as your track record is far from superior. Be nice. Offer him support, but just don't come in here and cut his legs off from under him.


You of all people should be giving critisizm.

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Thanks for yalls support besides the 2 that are bashing just because they have nothing else to do. I post on this board to get help and to offer help with the little bit I do know. I dont get up here to bash people and their tanks, but All I want is help. The little piece of acropora that I got in some of the bigger tanks one pices will grow twice as big as mine in one day. I dont think I am hurting the population of this creature although I dont want to kill him either.

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Okay, cliff, I'm just a little bent out of shape because you made a purchase of live animals that you had no idea how to care for. I suggest you spend the next couple of days doing as much research about them as you can so you can provide them with the things they need. I wish you the best of luck.


PS...the montipora digis will be fine.

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Originally posted by cliffrouse11baseball

I bet oh dave dont talk all this kind of ###### to peoples face huh???


You worry about your tank ill worry about mine.  I was just posting pictures  if you dont like shut the .... up..  You dont have to be a jerk about it.  Ive read so many threads where you are a total a.. hole and there is no reason to be.  Your on this board more than the moderator.  Get a life.  Get some friends...


Dave does have his issues---I have to agree with him on this one. I have to say that-- I'm one of his e-pals. Of course, the number one thing about getting into any animal ownership is to read everything you can before getting it.

You will be flamed on this by more people-- other than me or Dave ect......mark my words.

I hope this beastie will survive under your care, please don't feel that I'm telling you off;just remember that we all care--even Dave, in his insane own way.

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