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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Aberrix's Pico PRE-Build Thread


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So I am pretty much completely new to aquariums in general, Hi.


My name is Josh and normally when I see a new hobby that really interests me I can hold off for a couple weeks, sleep on it and really think it though; "is this something I really want to get into?" well... unfortunately so far I haven't had such restraint with this... I've been searching and researching the past couple weeks, forum lurking and learning all I can and I just couldn't help but start buying stuff to build my own pico. I blame El Fab and d'Espresso for their completely amazing builds that left me picking my jaw up off the floor. Also, I can't forget my old friend (who I randomly reconnected with after I found him on here, small world!) PSYS and his awesome build and answering all my questions the past week, Thanks Scott! :P


I completely understand the limitations of a pico and have been heavily warned against them by just about every person at every LFS that I've talked to... (including my local reef club) :( but I am entirely too stubborn to listen... :) I know that it's difficult and that smaller tanks are that much more apt to imbalances due to the low water volume. But I'm just going to take things very slowly, "measure twice, cut once". I've accepted the fact that I might screw this up the first go around, things might die and well... I'll do my best to make sure that doesn't happen but if it does... oh well, I'll keep trying. (oh, and I'll be asking you all for lots of help :))


I chose a pico due to the size and cost; I simply don't have the space at home for a larger tank (right now) and (as a beginner) I just don't know if I wanna make the investment. (I've got other hobbies too ya know.. :P) So this pico will eventually reside on my desk at work, but I'll probably have it at home for its initial cycle...


Without further adieu... This is my shopping list so far of what I've bought, if you see anything you believe I should change just post up a reply, I very much appreciate your ideas, critiques and advice!




3 gallon JBJ Picotope



5lbs of Ocean Direct™ Caribbean Live Sand



2 bags of Oceanic™ Natural Sea Salt Mix (1 bag makes 5 gallons)



Aquaclear 70 Power Filter (going to be convered to HOB Refugium)



Coralife Digital Thermometer



Marineland Visi-Therm Stealth 25w heater



Red Sea Hydrometer



Big bag of Filter Floss


API Test kit(s); (Ph, Ammonium, Nitrate, Nitrite)




Right now I have everything except the AC70, which I bought used from a fellow nano-reefer; it should be arriving in the mail later this week. I'm going to pickup some live rock later this week sometime along with 2x 5-7 gallon jugs to store SW and RO/DI. Is there anything I'm missing on my list so far pertaining to aquarium hardware? Yes, I plan on replacing the stock lighting down the road when I can spare the cash.


Also, planning to rattle can the back of the pico later this week... I really like the way blue looks, but I'm on the fence now...


I have virtually no plans right now for livestock other than whatever hardy (easy to care for) corals I can find... I'd like to put together a fun CUC that works really well and *maybe* a fish... but mostly just planning on a mini-reef for now...


again, thanks for your ideas, critiques and advice!


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Ok, whats the consensus on buying pre-mixed salt water at your LFS vs. mixing it yourself? (is it totally lame to buy pre-mixed?)


It seems my LFS sells [pre-mixed] SW for $1/gal... That Oceanic salt mix costs $3.49+tax and makes 5 gallons, so $.70/gal and I'd need to mix it with RO/DI water which has gotta be more than $.30/gal at my local grocery store... it would seem its more economical to just buy it pre-mixed, especially when I'm only needing 3 gallons for my pico plus some for weekly water changes... thoughts?

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Ok, whats the consensus on buying pre-mixed salt water at your LFS vs. mixing it yourself? (is it totally lame to buy pre-mixed?)


It seems my LFS sells [pre-mixed] SW for $1/gal... That Oceanic salt mix costs $3.49+tax and makes 5 gallons, so $.70/gal and I'd need to mix it with RO/DI water which has gotta be more than $.30/gal at my local grocery store... it would seem its more economical to just buy it pre-mixed, especially when I'm only needing 3 gallons for my pico plus some for weekly water changes... thoughts?



I buy premixed. And I've got 3 tanks, maybe 55 gallons total between them. I'm on a bad salt well, making my own RODI isn't realistic, and it's been convenient enough to just buy a couple 5 gallon jugs from the lfs to keep on hand.


Also, your plans look good, although I decided I hate hydrometers. :) I ended up buying a Milwaukee MR100ATC refractometer and have been very pleased with it.

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Also, your plans look good, although I decided I hate hydrometers. :) I ended up buying a Milwaukee MR100ATC refractometer and have been very pleased with it.


Thanks! yeah a refractometer is another thing on 'the list' to upgrade once funds are available...

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There's no turning back now... :P


I don't think there's anything wrong with buying premixed if you trust the LFS and they don't have any issue about telling you what their TDS meter is reading. If it's good, clean RO/DI... I say go for it. It may still be a good idea to test their water... make sure it's free of any phosphates, nitrates... maybe ask them what salt mix they use and ask them to test the calcium level for you. With it being a pico, I don't really dose anything... so I rely on my water changes for trace elements and especially calcium levels.


Otherwise, I don't think it's a big deal mixing the saltwater myself... I've pretty much got it down to a science. :)


I can't wait to see your build begin... :D

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Alright, I went over lunch yesterday and returned the salt mix I had (2 bags @ $3.99/ea, which each made 5 gallons) then headed over to Fleet Farm and picked up 2x 7 gallon jugs (thanks for the idea PSYS) and stopped by my LFS and got one jug filled with SW @ $1/gal and the other jug filled with RO/DI for $0.45/gal ... I think for the time being this is a pretty good plan for my setup vs. mixing my own... Also spotted some AWESOME live rock I plan on picking up this weekend.


Last night I got the pico tank all taped off and painted! I did like 7 coats or so over the period of 30-40 min and checked things out this morning, looks fantastic! I'm really happy with it! and I'm pumped to get LS/LR and water in there this weekend!!!

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Looking good so far...


I use regular tap, guess I am to cheap to buy a RO/DI unit. But everything in my tank is sparkling clear and healthy, guess you dont know till you try LOL. Also I dont like to pay for water unless its coming from my own tap. :wacko:

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I use regular tap, guess I am to cheap to buy a RO/DI unit. But everything in my tank is sparkling clear and healthy, guess you dont know till you try LOL. Also I dont like to pay for water unless its coming from my own tap. :wacko:


Thanks for the comment! I've been going over this a lot the past couple days and I think I finally came to the conclusion that since this is my first aquarium I'm going to try and have as few of variables as possible, really try and start this off on the right foot and pre-mixed SW (and RO/DI from the LFS) seems like the easiest, cheapest and safest option for me right now...

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Thanks for the comment! I've been going over this a lot the past couple days and I think I finally came to the conclusion that since this is my first aquarium I'm going to try and have as few of variables as possible, really try and start this off on the right foot and pre-mixed SW (and RO/DI from the LFS) seems like the easiest, cheapest and safest option for me right now...


I would agree.


There are a few people that seem to do quite well with tap water and well water. There are others who will say it's ridiculous and swear by RO/DI.


For me, personally, I wouldn't even drink the crap that comes out of my tap in my apartment in Oshkosh... much less use it for my reef aquarium. Additives, phosphates and other junk will eventually lead to an outbreak of something nasty.


If a simple trip to the LFS isn't that big of a deal... I'd say use he RO/DI.


The LFS I buy my RO/DI from is 1.8 miles from my apartment. At $0.50/gal... I can fill up my 7-gal. water jug and with weekly water changes and top-offs, it lasts me two weeks.... give or take a day or two. And the owner of the LFS takes consistent TDS readings to ensure his filters and membranes are always clean. :)


Enough of these shenanigans, post up pics and get this thing started. :lol:

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el fabuloso

I used to make my own water, then I got lazy. I buy premixed water from my fave LFS where I get most of my corals anyway and they use Oceanic salt which is what I use. But enough talk, get your tank up and running already! :P

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I used to make my own water, then I got lazy. I buy premixed water from my fave LFS where I get most of my corals anyway and they use Oceanic salt which is what I use. But enough talk, get your tank up and running already! :P




Makes it easier and less risky introducing new stuff to your tank if you use the same water it has come from. My lfs doesn't take it out of their tank system but its still the same salt and r.o. water that goes into their system so their is a little less shock. Plus its much cheaper in the short term, especially if your only using a gallow or two per week. I'm getting through bout 5 gallon per week atm so i am considering getting my own r.o. unit.

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I know it seems odd... but the LFS a short distance from my apartment doesn't provide premixed RO/DI saltwater otherwise, I'd forget the hassle and just buy the premixed stuff. So, I have to opt for the regular fresh RO/DI water and mix it myself.

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Looks good so far, seems like you are getting into it with a good bit of knowledge before hand. Can't wait to see where you go with it!!!

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I think the addition to your work desk would def be a nice one. I used Caribsea and use Oceanic salt so I think your on your way to a good start already. I think a Deep 6 Hydrometer would be better than the Red Sea one that you have picked out, just my opinion though. Good luck with it and keep us updated with pictures.




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I used Caribsea and use Oceanic salt so I think your on your way to a good start already.


What in the world do I do with the little liquid packet that came with the Caribsea sand? :unsure:

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el fabuloso

I used the packet of sand activator in my tank. Now sure if it really works but my tank didn't explode. ;)


BTW a refractometer is better than any hydrometer out there. Not to mention a helluva lot easier to use in a pico.

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