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Cultivated Reef

MEW 10G - rimless fun


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Thanks for the good words guys. :happy: :happy: :happy:


Beautiful tank man. Gorgs are intense... hope it does well for you! Any idea on the ID?


I've never had any problems with keeping gorgs, and I try to avoid ones I know I might have trouble keeping. Normally no harder than keeping SPS, with the photosynthetic ones.

As for ID, hard to say. LiveAquaria labelled it only as "Gorgonia sp." with a description of "West African Yellow photosynthetic sea fan with purple polyps." I certainly never saw one like this before. If anyone has any input as to what they think this could be, feel free to chime in! I'm probably going to open it up to the other forum too.

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you're wrong about the species of wrasse you have. it's actually a pink streaked wrasse or pseudocheilinops ataenia. very cool fish either way, i love mine... just letting you know

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you're wrong about the species of wrasse you have. it's actually a pink streaked wrasse or pseudocheilinops ataenia. very cool fish either way, i love mine... just letting you know


oh good call, I did mess up on the latin species name, it is indeed Pseudocheilinops ataenia. But its common name is both pink streaked wrasse and cryptic (sixline) wrasse. might also be called pelvic spot wrasse, i think.


thanks for correcting me!

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Peppermint shrimp pair released larvae last night!

I got some nice footage from it, if you want to check it out! (I personally like the shot from 0:35 on.)

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Peppermint shrimp pair released larvae last night!

I got some nice footage from it, if you want to check it out! (I personally like the shot from 0:35 on.)


great vid! with the music and all, it felt like i was watching late night discovery channel

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally got a shot of that cryptic wrasse!




Ok, it was an accidental shot. But you can kind of see him in the background. It's really hard to photograph him. By the time I come back with a camera, he's invisible.


Here's a partial top-down shot for this update (I need a camera box -_-)


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  • 3 months later...

Things have happened to my tank, as you might have noticed. Mysterious vanishing picassos, livestock loss in the winter break move, light change, moving of some livestock to my other tank, evap/light issues while I was busy with school, etc. I also decided that not sumping this tank was ridiculously complicating my life, so I sumped it. HOB for now, but I think it will be drilled soon enough. Upgraded skimmer to octopus dnw-110. I think that about sums up the last four months of this tank.


That said, a picture of my tank before I leave for spring break. Stay safe, tank!



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  • 2 weeks later...

be very carefull not to mock the evil kitty's they will send blue ringed octopus after you while you sleep.


tank is looking good mew.

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be very carefull not to mock the evil kitty's they will send blue ringed octopus after you while you sleep.


tank is looking good mew.


please... my skinanium armor is inpenetrable

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dude i hear what you mean about taking a picture of a cryptic wrasse, hard as hell. heres the pic i was able to capture of mine



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nice pic of your cryptic!


i finally grabbed a (crappy) one of mine too!


:lol: it was sleeping. It normally sleeps in a cave on the other side of the tank, but I noticed it sleeping in the open near the back of my tank one night! So I turned the light on and it didn't budge a muscle. Deep sleepers, cryptics are. (And yes, my purple deaths are brown deaths. :lol:)

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