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Innovative Marine Aquariums

MEW 10G - rimless fun


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It's been through some upheaval, livestock switchout, and neglect (yea you can see the hair algae in the middle) during the summer. It's back on track now though.

Downgraded the light to 70 watt, but I think I'll switch it back to 150 watt soon enough.




I had a Vortech MP40 on it for the past few months, but a few weeks ago, the dry side got damaged and thanks to a great deal via a local GB, I replaced it with a MP10. I'm enjoying its small size so far. It was a little noisy during its first week, especially when I turned it up high, but its nice and silent now. All in all, this item is worth every penny to me.


a few in-tank shots:





I need to work on getting the rest of the zoas off the frag plugs, zap the aiptasia/mojanos, and take care of the patch of hair algae. Also, all future additions to the tank will follow the "rule of 3": no more than 3 polyps (zoas/mushrooms), no more than 3 species (SPS), and no more than 3 inches (SPS/clams/etc).

Plans to add a 3x3 false overflow on the right to cover the wires and ATO switch.

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thanks guys. much appreciated (:



i haz deh same tank as you......wierd.


awesome, it's nice to see someone else with the same tank~

nice tank you got yourself :happy:

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  • 4 weeks later...

A few updates.


switched back to 150 watt radiums. woo. i bleached a turaki in the process but colors are coming around.


Got a pair of picassos. This one makes me smile everytime.



I'm not really a fan of LPS but these two favias are awesome. Tropicorium's Baby's Breath on the right, not sure on the left. :ninja: Bonus points if you can guess what's in the background.



What a weird coral. It's a coerulea heliopora. Suppose to be hot pink (seller's pic of mother colony) but I received it brown and with alk burned tips. The tips have recovered now but I'm still waiting for the hot pink...



And here's a nifty shot of part of my ric garden and a hermit.


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wow. what is? :o


Photosynthetic gorgonian from Africa. :happy:


Some kind of Gorg? It's awesome though! Is your cryptic wrasse still in there or did he go bye bye long ago? Looks great though!


my cryptic wrasse is there. getting big, fat and colorful. still rather elusive, though not as much as when I first got it. it'll swim around in the back, stare at me for a second and then dash back to its corner.

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I'm not really a fan of LPS but these two favias are awesome. Tropicorium's Baby's Breath on the right, not sure on the left. :ninja: Bonus points if you can guess what's in the background.



st thomas anenome/shroom!! yay i winz0r

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That gorg is amazing! Let me know if you decide to frag off a piece of it.... Do you have any pics of your cryptic wrasse?


I paid a premium pretty penny for it. I may consider fragging one or two small pieces of it, but they're not going to be cheap. Maeda already called dibs on the first frag. Whether I make a second, we'll see.

Let me work on getting a picture of the cryptic for you.


st thomas anenome/shroom!! yay i winz0r


Ding ding ding! Winnar!

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