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what swap?


Hey it looks good the sump you silly goose. It does'nt look like poo poo cakes LOL. I have some brown stuff also on my sand. I love that clown love that he eats out of your hand mine just likes to bite me. Are you going to the swap?
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Yea everything is fine.


So I was cleaning up some more last night & I found an old protien skimmer. It aint the greatest (red sea prizm) but hell it's better than nothing.

I also bought 3 lbs of rubble rock last night at a lfs; so that went into the sump. I'll keep adding a pound or two every couple of weeks. I'm sure it will help a bit.



Any other suggestions? Maybe add another ball of chaeto? Or another type of algae?

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Give it time to get used to the stuff u added. Thats all I can think of. Atleast your skimmer is better then the one I have A seaclone or whatever I have it skims but I need something better. Christmas is coming LOL

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Yea, this is true. You do have 2x as much tank as me. So naturally your skimmer will be larger.


Btw skimmers been running for pretty much 24 hours. Got some nice wet green skimate. Just dialed it back a wee bit, cause I like slightly darker, stinkier skimate.



But alas all the changes that have been made. Water clarity is lookin epic.

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Mine is getting there. Still have some brown on the sand but it is clearing up. The blackcap is starting to not pick up sand as much now. One day I will start a thread. Trying to clean out the basement so I can put all the crap in the garage in there so I can put the car back in the garage. Boy my father was a pack rat. My mother also. I have never seen so many shoes. Just 1 shoe where's the other? Going to have one huge garage sale soon.

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Well now..........


Looks like I'll be getting an upgrade. Not right away, but in the near future (about 8 months) So now I'm starting to look at bigger tanks. When I say bigger; I mean real big. 120-150 gallons.

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Tell us more! :D



extremely long story short, we (my wife & I) are getting a house for 70% off. all we have to do is pay the remaining 8 years on the loan & the entire house will be ours. So we are gonna finish the basement. This will be were the "fish room" will be.


My wife always promised me that when we get a house i can get what ever sized tank i wanted. SO i'll be going balls to the wall crazy. i think a 120-150 upgrade will suit nicely. i dont want to go to much bigger, but if a helluva deal on a 180 or 220 crosses my path i wont turn it down.

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yep, gonna need a much bigger skimmer. and a whole heap more live rock. altho i think i'll do what i did last time. reef bones will eventually turn back to like rock, and at ~$1 a pound i can wait the 3 or 4 months for it to color up. but i dont think my 24 gpd rodi is gonna cut it.



so many things to buy, grrr

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This is very exciting B) If I caught your reference correctly, though, the house is coming to you through someone else's misfortune. I'm sorry if that's the case, but still, this is cause for celebration for you and your family. :flower:


Take your time to plan out the new tank. It's going to be great, and I look forward to following along! :D

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