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Coral Vue Hydros

New 7g! Setup PICS!


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colemanitis. That heater is getting a little close to the surface. May want to move it down a smidgen (sp?) Looks killer, To Quote Gilman "Welcome to the Minibow Gang"

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nice job! i really wish i'd done a better job a systematically (and religiously) taking photo progress pictures. good luck and keep this thread alive :). what are you plans for livestock?


(suck up to gil and get your website on minibow.com!)

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I agree with all of you on the heater. I'm not planning on re-aquascaping - I'm gonna put it in a HOB filter. The trick is finding a power filter large enough to house the FAT Ebo-Jager - any suggestions?

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Originally posted by adinsxq

what are you plans for livestock?

I'm not exactly sure yet. I think I'll get a Percula Clownfish and a Cleaner Shrimp. I'll also jam it full of softies.


(suck up to gil and get your website on minibow.com!)
I'll hit him up in a couple of months when things begin taking off and the Web site's more developed.
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There seems to be mixed feelings on the TetraTec PF150's, especially after the way a Tetra rep. showed on TV how to stuff a few fish in a small tank (poor company representation). None the less, I had the larger PF300 in a FW tank I've had for a while and was extremely happy with the way the heater is designed to fit in the Power Filter. Since the filters are interchangeable between the 300 and 150 it only made sense for me to go that way since I already buy my filters in bulk quantities.


I like the Aqua-Clear (300's with a 150 impeller) to use as a refugium, and there would be more room for a heater in the AC 300 (maybe not enough for that 75watt?? Ebo) but maybe for a smaller 50watt. I'm sure others with that setup could elaborate more...


I spent $25 for the PF150 Power Filter and another $19 for the HC 100 heater (100watt) through Petsmart.com, so for $44 bucks- It keeps my heater out of my tank and the same filter media I already use in a FW tank...;)

My Nano-Reef Pictures

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If you can, just put the heater a little lower, if you dont mind looking at it, doesn't NEED to be all the way down behind the rocks. The Ebo does look large, May have trouble finding a HOB for it, unless its a fuge type (deeper than most HOB filters).



Maybe I need to suck up to gil.........

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Originally posted by birdman204

How big is the HOB,  Needs to be deep enough to cover the water line.

The HOB filter is 6" tall - just tall enough to cover the water line.
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Heres my aquaclear 300 w/150 prop in it to cut down flow and a 50watt toric heater... if this helps... I also built a "fuge" box to put in the 300 so it would be easy to remove if needed.... hope this helps....

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I've always liked the AC 300's, and you definately have the right thing going there. I am debating on going with a Small CPR style Refugium down the road, and getting rid of the HOB power filter. I like the idea of having the extra volume of H2O and also having the Macro-Algae there. The TetraTec I have is a little too small for adding the sand, some small pieces of rock, etc.. (still possible though). The CPR Refugium is 12"x12"x4.5" if I remember right which will fit behind the 7gal Bowfront pretty nice. We'll see, I've spent enough $$ lately getting mine set up, it will have to wait a little bit.

Good Luck all....

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You're right - that is a tight fit! I bet you are much happier with the look of your tank now that the heater is back there!


I set up my tank on the 11th so I have been keeping an eye out for new pics with your progress... It's good to see where I'm at in comparison to others... I saw your water specs on the 16th - That ammonia is pretty high!! 4.0 after a week - did you use live sand and rock? I did and mine is at 0 now, on the 16th it was at about .2 ppm. My nitrites have been at 0 from the start and my Nitrates are at 5 ppm. My pH has been low (I think due to the cycle - at about 7.8 to 8.0 depending on the time of day (Lighting). My SG is the same as yours and my temp is a steady 80 now. I checked my phosphates and they are pretty high. I'll be doing a water change this weekend and see if that helps the pH, Nitrates, and Phosphates. Also having a diatom bloom, but keep blowing it off and stirring the sand. I'm told it will pass, so for the other algae I'll be adding the cleaning crew over the next week. (The cycle appears to be finished!!!).


BTW - Sorry my posts have been so long everyone...:P

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Originally posted by Henna Ojisan

I bet you are much happier with the look of your tank now that the heater is back there!

Much happier! I'm glad I chose this method over rearranging LR in order to get the heater behind it.


I saw your water specs on the 16th - That ammonia is pretty high!! 4.0 after a week - did you use live sand and rock?
The rock's deader than a door knob. The rock had been out of water for two weeks before it made its way to my tank. I was expecting pretty high ammonia levels, but 4.0 still suprised me. I used new Southdown sand, so there's no life in sight.


Also having a diatom bloom, but keep blowing it off and stirring the sand.
Yeah, me too. It's looking a little better tonight, but it's been cloudy for a couple of days. Hopefully it's on its way out.
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Henna Ojisan, I just checked out your Web site... nice aquascaping! I'll keep an eye on your site as well. Oh, and the link in your signature is broken, you left off the .htm extension. Later.

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Just fixed my sig - had to add the .htm, Thanks for the complement - I'll be adding some pics today and will add a log page as well. I have been using a program to track my project - It's called Reef Con Pro and is pretty nice!! They have a demo version to try which is the same as the full version - I liked it enough to buy it...


If you have another reef tank, I'd seed that sand - or see if you can get a cup from a LFS, it will shorten that cycle time considerably!!


I saw those lights on a 7gal bowfront at one of the LFS around here and they are nice!! I noticed the built in fans, it is really a nice setup!!! I kind of wish I waited on the CSL 32w retro, but what is done is done...

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