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Cursing Heaters!


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How many times in a 24 hour pd. can you scream the F Word???

On Saturday, I went to help the wife of a fellow local reefer maintain his tank since he's in the Middle East with the Air Force. I come home with a migraine starting. I look at my tank and it looks cold. Glanced and it was around 70. I went to bed as my drugs started kicking in. I woke up 3 hours later and my coral are all shivered up and REALLY mad. I look at the temp and the tank is 97 degrees. Holy Crap!!! I unplugged the heater immediately... and then I took more meds as I was getting sicker and sicker and forgot I unplugged it.

By Sunday morning, it was 70 degrees again and I was sick as a dog.

I threw in my left over heaters from my smaller tanks, and stabilized it at around 80 degrees.

So, then by Tuesday, I was feeling well enough to go get a heater.

I lost 2 ricordea (of course the favorite of my new frags) and a recently fragged zoa colony and a peppermint shrimp.

I think I screamed the F Word like 200 times in just a day.

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I would not be able to sleep at 78. My goodness... I get hot at night when the house is at 70. I'd have to be sleeping in the buff with no covers on the bed, no pillows, and the bf would be on the couch since he eminates heat like the ceramic heater I have downstairs.

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