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Newbie - need skimmer for 20g reef tank


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I have a 1 week old 20 gallons tank (sand + water). I'd like to keep 2 clowns, 1 cleaner shrimp and 2 soft corals (one will be an anemone).


I recently purchased a Red Sea Prizm Skimmer but I will have to return it because it doesn't work properly and it makes way too much noise.


Here's what I am looking for:

- decent protein skimmer (not top of the line but not the worst)

- type: hang-on

- not too hard to install (I'm a beginner)

- not to noisy

- price range: about $150

- optional: I live in Canada so I would prefer (but not necessarily) a Canadian retailer


I would really appreciate any recommendations.



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Then you thought wrong.


You can keep anything even up to some of the more hardy SPS without a skimmer provided you don't overfeed and go semi-regular waterchanges.

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+1....I have SPS and no skimmer. Everything is nice and happy including the two clowns and firefish. Staying on top of waterchanges is key.

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Thanks for the advice guys. Well this is great news. The skimmers can get pretty expensive.


So do I use just a regular filter or no filter at all?

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First figure out what you need to "filter".


Generally you just need:


- tank

- SW

- decent lights

- water movement

- temperature regulation


Everything else is either for special cases or fluff.

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Generally you just need:


- tank

- SW

- decent lights

- water movement

- temperature regulation


Everything else is either for special cases or fluff.


Well... He should probably invest in some good live rock don't you think ? This will provide a much more stable mode of biological filtration, not to mention good hiding places for his fish.


If I were you, nicuz, I would probably skip the skimmer for a 20gallon and instead spend a little more ensuring you get high quality live rock, and plenty of it.

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Yes of course I have live rocks. My buddy sold his 75g tank and he gave me some of his rocks (he had the rocks for about 1 year). So no filter. Got it. Thank you again for the advice.

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