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Need Questions Answered? PM Kennerd!


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That Seyval Blanc was really good. Very tasty. Kara has enjoyed it as well. Haven't had a good occasion to pop the Merlot.


Had a great Merlot last night from Fetzer (Eagle Valley?).


And yes, Ken, in answer to your question, you're talking to a bit of a grape nOOb.

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Filet mignon with sauteed portabello mushrooms Fly.


Use a bit of the merlot to simmer the mushrooms in after they've lightly sauteed. Reduce it down to a glaze on the mushrooms, add a teaspoon or so of butter, and cook that down. Yum.

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quash, know your religion. I am not a reef god. Far from it actually. just read up on my mishaps.


I am, however, all knowing and all seeing. I reign over all other lesser gods.


Kennerd is not from these loins. Thank me.

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Kennerd: patron saint of wine and nanos.


I, Bacchus am here for the masses.


Got some PM's too.


(and a pair of deresas for the clam tank, too....pics next week.)

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So I have this one coral it is hard and brown, but coloring up to a nice stark white, that I want to put in my fish bowl nano. I have one of them filter thingys to make some flow but I was wondering if I can put a black light to contrast the yellow of the Incandescent bulb I have over the tank. Also should I add the salt to the bowl and then put the water in, or put the water in first and then add the salt? Is Morton's a good brand?


Please Let me know.

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Originally posted by Jahkaya

So I have this one coral it is hard and brown, but coloring up to a nice stark white,  that I want to put in my fish bowl nano.  


Do you own a cat? Sounds like you have a Felinus Litterboxensis. Although normally a shade of brown, too much light and high evap rates may cause this dried bleaching. My recommendation is to carefully replace it into its natural habitat, under the sand substrate.


Originally posted by Jahkaya

 I have one of them filter thingys to make some flow but I was wondering if I can put a black light to contrast the yellow of the Incandescent bulb I have over the tank.


Although pretty cool-looking, using the Crazy Straw circulation system, or temporarily popular King Kong on the Twin Towers Drinking Straw Surge Device is less reliable than a good-old AquaClear. If interested in finding someone to take this equipment off your hands, just PM Dave ESPI and he'll buy all your toys.


Originally posted by Jahkaya

I have one of them filter thingys to make some flow but I was wondering if I can put a black light to contrast the yellow of the Incandescent bulb I have over the tank.


Black lights are not a good option for reef tanks, nor are incandescent bulbs (these can be sold to WINTER here on the boards: if I recall, he spends hours in his psychadelic "home office" and his bulbs are probably past their useful life anyway, do a search on HYDROPONICS). If you really want to go ghetto, pop on down to Lowes or Home Depot and grab some COMPACT FLOURESCENT lighting. Chances are, your tank may be yellowish in tint, if so, check:


1. that your cat isn't digging through the substrate looking for said brown coral

2. Young Jahkaya, Jr. is not sitting on open top of said fishbowl reading "Clifford the Big Red Dog" while attending to business.

3. Search the threads here for "Deep Water Nano" as there were many suggestions on that board for simulating the "deep blue" color of this type of reef.


Originally posted by Jahkaya

Also should I add the salt to the bowl and then put the water in, or put the water in first and then add the salt?  


You can add this in either order, if this is a new tank. If not, I recommend mixing the salt mix outside of the show tank.


Do not take the advice of some and mix the water and salt in your mouth and spit it into the bowl. Regardless of how well it may clean your teeth, the notion that the bacteria from your mouth starting a cycle in the new tank is antiquated hogwash.



Originally posted by Jahkaya

Is Morton's a good brand?


Although I have never used this brand of aquarium salt, I do make the following recommendation. Try to use a more commercially available salt mix made specifically for aquarium use. If you need to go to the supermarket in the absence of a LFS (Local Fish Store), at least save some face and buy something with "Fleur de Sel" in the label.


Epsom salts are a no-no. Different stuff.




PS: No clam, unless it is an aquarium-safe plastic decoration at this time. Read up first.

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Damn, does that mean I cannot have a clam? Okay, I'll add the mortons now and just scoop out the epsoms now. But how do you get the epsom out once it dissolves?

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Originally posted by Jahkaya

Damn, does that mean I cannot have a clam?  


Please read the entire post. I addressed this in the last line of my response.


Originally posted by Jahkaya

Okay, I'll add the mortons now and just scoop out the epsoms now.  But how do you get the epsom out once it dissolves?


Contact SeaMountain regarding the Suck-and-Spit water change method. I believe he can email you a home-filmed demonstration video on the subject.


Oh, provided you're over the age of 18, that is.

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Originally posted by kennerd

Please read the entire post.  


Dear Kennerd,


It's so much easier to just ask more questions rather that go back and read.




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Dear lazyreefer,


It is very difficult reading even the shortest posts with your skirt constantly flipping up in the air. Took three tries to get through your last post.




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Dear Kennerd,


I'm sorry if my skirt distracts you. I figured if I flautned the fact that I was a girl I would be more apt to have my newbie questions answered. Maybe I should post my stats as well (not the tank, if you know what I mean). Would that help my chances of becoming a successful nano-reefer?



just lil ole me

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Perhaps a PM would better suit this discussion. In private, you may feel more comfortable exposing, I mean, discussing your personal parameters.

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Huh: I just got this message from BillyPirate via PM:



hey ken-NERD


When I noticed it said banned under his name and that he wasn't accepting (or can't) PM's I am glad to find that my thread here (started by some just plain wonderful nano-reefers) wasn't sabotaged.


ANy clue as to why/when he was banned?

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