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Cultivated Reef

LED controllers - dimmers / timers


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I've been thinking about ways to cost-effectively control my LED array. I'd like the ability to set on/off times with dimming associated with each. Do you know if a product that would work. I don't want to spend a ton. I'm not a fan of C++, and I know essentially jack about other programming languages.


I haven't seen a pre-fab solution, and I'm having no luck finding a simple, programmable dimmer or voltage regulator. I was thinking if a pre-fab solution doesn't exist, then maybe a programmable potentiometer or a programmable dimmer. Maybe something like these items:






They both look a little scary to me. It seems there should be a form of potentiometer available where I could program in different actions and times. Maybe it could replace the manual pot that comes on the wired 10k ohm buckpucks. The end product would need to be self contained, rather than connected to a computer.





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If those dimmer boards cannot drop the output voltage down to 5v, they are useless.


If you don't mind dealing with a little bit of fairly simple programming, look into the Arduino developement platform. It's cheap and easy to work with, and with the addition of a real time clock, you can have a standalone light controller that will ramp up and down at preset times. There are a few of here that have been tinkering with them (me, cdelicath, and Vancoover Reefer among others) if you need some help. It will be far cheaper and a lot more flexible than what you are looking at currently. Push comes to shove, I could probably write you a little basic program to get started and then you can modify as you see fit.

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If those dimmer boards cannot drop the output voltage down to 5v, they are useless.


If you don't mind dealing with a little bit of fairly simple programming, look into the Arduino developement platform. It's cheap and easy to work with, and with the addition of a real time clock, you can have a standalone light controller that will ramp up and down at preset times. There are a few of here that have been tinkering with them (me, cdelicath, and Vancoover Reefer among others) if you need some help. It will be far cheaper and a lot more flexible than what you are looking at currently. Push comes to shove, I could probably write you a little basic program to get started and then you can modify as you see fit.


Sweet, evil. Thanks! I'll do some research tonight.

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You know, I have seen about 1,000 different arduino projects on Make: Blog and I always skip over them because most of them are dumb and I don't really know what the board can do.


However, your post makes me want to know more.

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Look up Vancoover Reefers thread in the DIY section for his DIY reef controller. He has been making some interesting progress on that. He is using an Arduino board too.

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Hmm after doing some reading on the Arduino (and Wired) boards... Wow, it seems with some basic programming knowledge you could easily have a cool little controller on your hands. My interest was purely for controlling my LEDs, even if it's from my computer, but these things can do so much more!


As far as controlling LEDs though, is there some way to dim them without using PWM with one of these little controllers?

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Hmm after doing some reading on the Arduino (and Wired) boards... Wow, it seems with some basic programming knowledge you could easily have a cool little controller on your hands. My interest was purely for controlling my LEDs, even if it's from my computer, but these things can do so much more!


As far as controlling LEDs though, is there some way to dim them without using PWM with one of these little controllers?


Is there a reason you'd prefer not to use PWM? I wonder how the pulsing would affect the life of an LED.

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The pwm signal does not get translated into the LED. It is strictly for the input to the driver. There are ways to drive an analog output with a digital source (digital potentiometer) but these are expensive, and offer no benefit to what we are doing.

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Vancouver Reefer

Just so you all know, I had no idea about the Arduino or programming it until i started this project in Dec 2008. I used to program industrial PLC's which is totally different so i was pretty much starting from scratch.


If you can put in the time to search you can easliy cobble together a small program to do whatever you want.


Mine is slowly coming together. Its probably not how the pros would program it but so far its working fine for me. Just work on one bit at a time. Once you have that working, then move onto the next bit..


Ok so here is abit of code i modified to learn how to fade in and out. Please feel free to use this as a starting block and play with it and see what you can come up with:


// Fading an LED in and out.


// This will fade in the led over 5 steps with a delay of 1 second between each step.

// Then the led will fade out using the same principle



int value = 0; // variable to store pwm value

int ledpin = 9; // light connected to digital pin 9


void setup()


// nothing for setup



void loop()


for(value = 0 ; value <= 255; value+=5) // fade in (from min to max)


analogWrite(ledpin, 0); // sets the value (range from 0 to 255)

delay(1000); // time delay between each pwm fade in pulse

analogWrite(ledpin, 64); // sets the value (range from 0 to 255)

delay(1000); // time delay between each pwm fade in pulse

analogWrite(ledpin, 127); // sets the value (range from 0 to 255)

delay(1000); // time delay between each pwm fade in pulse

analogWrite(ledpin, 191); // sets the value (range from 0 to 255)

delay(1000); // time delay between each pwm fade in pulse

analogWrite(ledpin, 255); // sets the value (range from 0 to 255)

delay(1000); // time delay between each pwm fade in pulse


for(value = 255; value >=0; value-=5) // fade out (from max to min)


analogWrite(ledpin, 191);

delay(30); // time delay between each pwm fade out pulse

analogWrite(ledpin, 127); // sets the value (range from 0 to 255)

delay(1000); // time delay between each pwm fade out pulse

analogWrite(ledpin, 64); // sets the value (range from 0 to 255)

delay(1000); // time delay between each pwm fade out pulse





Any questions though and we are here to help you out.



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The pwm signal does not get translated into the LED. It is strictly for the input to the driver. There are ways to drive an analog output with a digital source (digital potentiometer) but these are expensive, and offer no benefit to what we are doing.


Ah, I see. I was worried that the pulse would carry through to the LED, since the datasheet for LEDs mentions pulse duty cycles and stuff. Good to know, problem solved... I'm sooo ordering an Arduino. ;)

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It'd be pretty friggin awesome to have an arduino-based reef controller.


Temp probe, conductivity, pH, data logging, all with a bluetooth or ethernet capability.

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Looks like VR has a name picked out and everything for his.


One of the nice things about the Arduino is the standard "shell" design. Certain protions of a reef controller could be on individual shells that can be added as the demand saw fit. The profile for the shell pcb is readily available for free for Eagle CADsoft.

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Vancouver Reefer

Mr Fosi,


Im already working on it!!!!! Also including a Very cheap auto dosing unit to come in the future! I have so many ideas in my head i wish i had the funds to spit these out in quick succession!!!!


See my Sig for the link to what im building.


Evil. I like the idea of using different shields to allow the user to customise to their own requirements.! Looks like i have yet another idea for future projects!


I think we should ask the mods for our own Electronic DIY section!!!!



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Vancouver Reefer

Judging by the amount of electronic threads going on i think it would be a great idea!!!


Open source LED's, Arduino's, PIC's could all be discussed there. I think this is just going to get more and more in-depth the more people join in!


What do you think Mr Marks? Can we get our own??? PPPPPLLLLLLEEEEEEAAAAAAASSSSSSSSEEEEEEE

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It'd be pretty friggin awesome to have an arduino-based reef controller.


Temp probe, conductivity, pH, data logging, all with a bluetooth or ethernet capability.


Ethernet shield $20



Bluetooth $150


I purchase the Ethernet shield with my project I hope to use it for data logging and realtime stats for the web. I to am starting from scratch with the coding so i'm sure this will take some time.


We will definatly be making good use of the CODE tags :lol:


VC I am hoping the boards will show up this week and I will collaborate with you on getting a jumpstart.

No sense in me spending weeks writing code that someone else already made when I could get started on the Ethernet stuff

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Vancouver Reefer

Sounds good to me! Ill swap you code for ethernet help!!! Im going to really struggle doing the software for a webpage/homepage to display real time data so im sure we can come up with something!

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Sounds good to me! Ill swap you code for ethernet help!!! Im going to really struggle doing the software for a webpage/homepage to display real time data so im sure we can come up with something!


I think most of the controllers on the market are using XML

I haven't really looked into it yet though.

Shouldn't be a problem..... Just time to figure out


Did you get the Ethernet board too then?

I need to get my RTC ordered did you have any issues setting it up?


thinking of going with this RTC what do you guys think?

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Vancouver Reefer

Thats the exact board that i got and it works great.


Here is how i wired it:




Here is a pic of something similar i would like to do with my project later down the line. but rather than control i would want more real time graphing of PH, Salinity, Temp, Lights etc:




Again software is Alien to me!!!


My ethernet board is something i will add to my Arduino once all my controller is working and being tested. Ethernet is my future add on for this before i then start on my dosing pump build ;)

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Vancouver Reefer

It is bigger but for prototyping its great. I will probably add the 1307 directly onto my main board as there is hardly any supporting components on it!

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It is bigger but for prototyping its great. I will probably add the 1307 directly onto my main board as there is hardly any supporting components on it!


I think I am going to look into adding a SD card slot to mine if possible. It would be cool to just copy a new program to the SD and have the arduino pull the program from SD.

I know i'm getting way ahead of myself but meh...I'm a dreamer :P

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Vancouver Reefer

Or if you want an easy way to increase the Adruino memory see here:




Adafuit has a cheap IC and library uprade. I think ive been running out of memory and i think thats what may have been causing my problems before i blew the crap out of everything!


This way you can save using all those pins required to drive and communicate with the SD card!



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