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Is fresh prepare salt water needed for water change?


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Hi All,


Can anyone please let me know if I can only change water with freshly mixed salt water?

Last time I change about 10% with salt water that was about 10 days old and overnight, I get

a big brown flim everyway.


I only have a 12G and the max I change each week is say 2G, I can be mixing 2G a week, it is

easier for me to max like 4-5G at once. thanks

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I think it should be fine to use as long as it wasnt sitting out without a lid on it. I know if i let my Ro/Di unit sit for a week I always flush it cause you can get stagnant water if it sits to long. If I were you for the future is if you know some made up saltwater was going to sit around for a week to 10 days just have it circulating with a powerhead that way the water wont get stagnant. Just make sure you check salinity cause you will have some evap and may have to add some Ro/Di water to get the salinity right.

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I was using tap-water then.. No idea with TDS. But my area was supposed to get

the best water in the entire bay area (california).

I did not have extra powerhead or heater, so I use warmer tap water to mix the salt

so that I can get the correct sanlity level.

I am going to use RO now, (not RO/RI) just to be safe.

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