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Coral Vue Hydros

A word of Advice on the New Fads


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A little word of advice for people jumping on all the new water chemistry fads. Please make sure that you research and understand what your doing. Their seems to be alot of people lately trying "quick" fixes on tank issues with the new products.


Brightwell, zeovit, vit C, vodka etc. Please make sure you understand them and what the do or can do to your tank . I have also researched and looked into alot of these products. I think some still need to be proven and seen if there is any benefits to using them.


Honsetly i dont believe of alot of the claims of these products, I do feel some of them have benefits for our tanks. I still feel the best things for water chemistry are, good source water, staying up on water changes, protein skimming, carbon when needed, and keeping a reasonable bioload.


Most public aquariums and the ocean dont use these products and its amazing how the corals and fish still survive and thrive.

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But isn't it also possible that in environments like the ocean, there are other trace elements that we do not see typically in your average salt mix? I agree that diving into things like this is silly. Much research is needed before making an educated decision and risk. Sometimes it's not practical for certain situations.


But you must agree that there have been more and more new diseases and issues (like zoanthid fungus) that have been devistating recently, and adaptations must be made to counter them. I'm not a proponent of randomly adding chemicals to a tank. Thats a last resort. For me, vitamin C dosing was a risk I was willing to take after much research, and seeing continuous positive results from others that have tried it.

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Good advice dtfleming and evilc66. Generally if you're going to dose something interesting in your aquarium, I think it's a good idea to find a Randy Holmes-Farley article about it. He has articles on a lot of this stuff, and they're very well written and in depth. Eric Borneman is also a great writer. I have at least four of their articles bookmarked.

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Yes, evil i agree that NSW has things that other salt mixes do not. And you are correct about the new diseases and I was told recently that this year will be bad for corals as new diseases and new pests are being found at the wholesaler facilites in Cal.


The post was meant for people to think about what their dosing and do research before going out and buying a couple hundreds on products.


I also read the entire pdf file from brightwell on their products. I do feel that some of the products are good such as the amino acids and the Vit C.

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with vit c, keep in mind this is a treatment for zoas....reef central has a truly massive thread on it in the zoanthid section...


i dosed for a while...results were minimal, please do a lot of reading before you buy your bottle of buffered vit. c from iherb...sps may or may not like the vit. c....





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Just trying to avoid all the anxiety I am feeling about my committee meeting tomorrow.


I'll be presenting a year of work to my grad committee and they are going to tell me if I should keep going or start all over... Last year they told me to start over.


This is a good place to forget real life. :lol:

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I also agree with dt and evil. I have a mixed reef and I feel that if I keep things simple, the better. My success rate with corals is so much better with good lighting, good water quality and ...... fish poop!



Mr. Fosi, Good to hear from you again and Good Luck tomorrow! ;)

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The Propagator

The only thing I really trust by proven user results that could be considered a new fad ( thats actually very very old in the aquarium hobby ) is vitamin C dosing. Vodka, Yeah I think thats hooey over the long run.

Brightwell.. surface scratch, zoevit = aqualizer. :D

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