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I am in dire need of purchasing a RODI unit, used tap water, have seen the light need to start using RODI. I do have questions on what unit to buy however as i do have a budget looking to spend $100-130...would be using this for a 29G. so i don't need something really extreme but something that will be dependable. also what upkeep should i do with a RODI unit? have heard of flushing once a month. any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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check out air water ice


they are a Nano Reef sponsor


they make the "mighty mite"


which is in your price range and exactly what your looking for


I used distilled water though

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Have it, love it. ;)


hey that seems like a pretty nice unit and you cant beat the price

i had a customer once who bought one on ebay that was a 6 stage and it came with the com kit and a before and after tds inle meter

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