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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

Reliable Heater?


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Hi there,

I just wanted to know what others use as a reliable heater in their Reef? I thought I bought a decent heater, a Marineland Stealth 150 watt for my 20 gallon long nano reef, but its been cold in Cali during the night and this heater worked good a month ago (new) but now its allowing temp swings of more than a degree.


Im new to reefing, does salt build up on the heater causing it to not function properly? Or do I need a better heater?


What do you use?


Thanks in advance! :-)

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My Hydor works well. Stealth heaters are reliable from what I've read. What is the temperature swing like? From 79 to 80, something along those lines?

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I have adjusted it a few times. For example last night with indoor heat on the tank was 78.6, we turned off heat around 9pm and temp started to drop in the reef, it was 77.2 when I went to bed at 1am, this morning at 7am the temp was 76.0, turned indoor heat on and at noon the temp is 77.1. The tank is not near a heater vent, I warm my house up to 70 each day during winter.


Isn't it bad to have temp. swings like that for fish and corals?

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Isn't it bad to have temp. swings like that for fish and corals?

Anything over 2 degrees in a 24 hour period would need to be addressed.

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