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Dream 65 BR


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ah...so this is what the sump is for. i was gonna say how a 3" tall section for cheato isnt going provide much use. good to see you are removing the dsb

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So speaking of sumps....where does your overflow drain into? where your skimmer is? And wondering how much water is flowing in there? I just set up a 90 gallon. And the water flowing into my sump is like niagra falls. Changed my return pump to a lesser one but still getting tons of bubbles which is causing a million micro bubbles.


Does you water flow really fast??

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ah...so this is what the sump is for. i was gonna say how a 3" tall section for cheato isnt going provide much use. good to see you are removing the dsb

Yea it was a better move to remove the DSB. I also put a peace of live rock in there that was groin alot of other type of good grass algea (not hair)


niice sump.

Thanks. Made a big diff in my wallet making one than buying one hahah


So speaking of sumps....where does your overflow drain into? where your skimmer is? And wondering how much water is flowing in there? I just set up a 90 gallon. And the water flowing into my sump is like niagra falls. Changed my return pump to a lesser one but still getting tons of bubbles which is causing a million micro bubbles.


Does you water flow really fast??


My over flow drains into where the skimmer is. Then passes trough the bubble trap into the chateo and then over to the pump and the heater. As for how much my water flow is im not sure exactly. But it might be the pump. My friend had a similar situation.


Posting pics up in a bit. Uploading pics on photo bucket.

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woa woa woa. what is up with that T section? Is your return pump in the middle of your sump now? I'm confused.


Well the display tank has two drilled holes. So i made both on the bottom to meet up and it T's of to where the skimmer is at. The return pump is way on the right side. Last chamber


bad pic sorry but here it is



Edit: sorry it seems like the return line is in the middle. I think i see why you tought it was in the middle because thats where you can see the return line. But its not, its just the return hose that makes it look like its in the middle but not

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AH ha I get it know. Neat. Hows the flow through the sump? Everything work out ok? Also what are you using as return pump.


Haha i really dont know. I tried the salt mix like you tolled me on the sump but didnt really see. It just went straight down when i put some on the refuge. As a return pump its just a "Rio 10HF hyper flow" rated at 660 gph. Not sure if its enough or should go bigger but it was my fw pump so im using it just for now. What do you think about it? Need a stronger one?

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Not really. You don't need huge flow through a sump/fuge. I run a 950 gph on my 125 and I think its perfect for flow.


About the salt trick: Its not the undissolved salt that you watch, You need strong light but you can watch the salinity difference flow through your tank. Kinda like when you watch your heater heat water you see the temperature difference. Oh well not a big deal, sooner or latter you will know just how your sump flows.

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Do you have a auto top off? The last chamber in your sump is a little small so you might have to fill it up daily. Other than that everything else looks great. im looking forward to seeing full.

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Do you have a auto top off? The last chamber in your sump is a little small so you might have to fill it up daily. Other than that everything else looks great. im looking forward to seeing full.


No. But was thinking of building one but need to learn how 1st lol. It is a lil small but i fill up every 3 days so its not alot. And thanks. I will be posting up pics later on today if not tonight

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So since i lost my pink plate on the transfer i bought a small orange with blue tips, and got a free green slimer and lunar eclipse 2 polyps. All for 50 :). Also got a free bottle of Fuel. Is it ok to dose? Upload pics after i eat

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So my Yellow clown goby likes to pick on sps. Is he harming them by picking at them? He hangs around my green slimer and see him pick at it.

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So im getting new bulbs. We (where i work) got new bulbs in. We got 14k and 20k Ushios. I was thinking of getting 2 14k's for my fixture. This way i can get good color out of my corals and also get good growth. Any input?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Havent updated in a bit. Here is what has happened. Added some pink zoas, acan lords, frag of duncan, and a clam. Everything is running well but as for the clam its mouth seems open big. I dug a rock under the sand and placed him on the sand with the rock under. He did attach and is holding on to it. Here is a pic and just wanna know if he is doing ok. Paramets are all great. Lighting is new 20k 150 W DE Ushios. Should i move him up mid level?







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  • 3 weeks later...

Just tought i would update this. Its been a while. I re aquascaped and also got a few new goodies. Got a polyp of Purple Death Polyp for 20 bucks, Tubs Blues, 2 conch snails, Lettuce nute, and tomorrow getting a pair of Yellow rose gobies.


Post up pics tomorrow, lights out

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a little update. Got some new corals in. Starting a little Acan Lord collection. Also added a TLF phosban reactor with a Maxijet 400 and using Rowa and its amazing wat it can do. Its been pretty hot here in Cali so had to use a fan to blow accross the top of the tank. Hottest it got was 83. Enjoy


Acan Lords:







Meteor Shower:



And the FTS:


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  • 4 weeks later...

Well here are some pics. Sorry they suck. They looked really good and nice on my sisters computer when uploading them but then saw them on my desktop computer and they look dark. Idk if its my settings or wat but here are some. Got two new clams. One is a 1st grade maxima and the center one is a crocea and right one is a Squamosa. Got a frag of birdsnest also and a little guy of minefield that was all brown but he is showing his blue and green polyps again. Thanks o solid for the hookup too. Got me some nice acros and zoas. Well here are pics. Hope they show up good on your computer. LMK the good the bad and the ugly.











LE Neon Toadstool

















FTS's (same camera and lights just dont know hot it gets all blue then white haha




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Very nice aquascaping! Loving the ledges and the open space on the left side! Great job!

Thanks. Im happy with how it looks but thinking of moving it around ha


Your tank is beautiful! Great job! :D

Thank you :)

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