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Coral Vue Hydros

Hermit crabs outgrowing shells.


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I just got 5 hermit crabs and obviously they take over dead snail shells for their 'homes'. They were only a dollar each but as they are part of my aquarium I want to keep them alive instead of replacing them regardless of their price. My questions is . . what happens when a hermit crab gets too big for their shell? Do I need to add shells for them to 'move' in to and will they die when they outgrow their shells if there isnt a bigger one available??





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Yes they will die if they can’t find a suitable shell. However, they are survivalists and will kill snails and other Hermit crabs for their shells if needed.


Put some extra shells (just bigger than the ones they are using) in back of your LR; if they outgrow their shells, they’ll have something to move into.

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dang dwag,

goes to the beach and pick some ...its Fking free dwag, if u can't find a beach, juss goes to a LFS and tell them u need some "home" for your Fking hermit crabs, i think they gonna give it to you free dwag, atleast , its free for me, ah kaka...

if u can't find none, tell me, i send you some.....but u gonna pay shiping and handling dwag.!!

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Interesting language you have there itz.


Darwin and reefsrule, ask the lfs for a few extra shells or pick some up at the craft store...be sure to boil the ones from the craft store though before you drop them in the tank.

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Boil any of them before you put them in your tank. I found a great selection off the coast of North Carolina and brought them home, boiled them, and put them in. My hermits went to town and switched shells like 10 times in the next week until they found the perfect shell. Cool to watch.

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Walmart - craft section. A pack of 100 or so small shells for three bucks. Assorted larger ones for a bit more. One LFS tossed in a bunch of freebies with the hermits, another one wanted FIFTY CENTS per shell!!!! What-ev-ur!



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Thanks for your help, I'll snag some shells from my LFS next time I'm out. I've got some bumblebee snails in there that might end up in the wrong spot at the wrong time if I dont :P



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