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Safety of chemical trate/trite/ammonia removers!-?


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The experiment:

first off I will refer to my levels as (Ammonia,Nitrate,Nitrite)

1) dyeing brain coral (releasing LOADS of nitrates, nitrites and ammonia) and 0.5lb of LR were leaft in 1 gallon of artificial salt water from one of my tanks for 3 days.

Before adding anything: (0,5,0)

After 1 day: (0.25,~10,0)

2 days: (2.0,between 10 and 20,0.25)

3 days: (~4.0!,20!,1.0)


Added 1.0ml (double the recomended dose) of "AmQuel+ Removes Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, Chlorine and Chloramines for fresh and salt water" and tested the water 15 minutes later: (0.25ish,0,0) It did a really good job of removing these contaminants. But the troublesome result... the next day the brain was FAR worse off than the day before. It released a massive load of slime and all of its mouths were perminantly opened... It was feeding still a few days ago, but it is now not at all.


I will probably never add this chemical to water containing any livestock of value... EVER. But on a positive note, I have been using it on fresh and salt water tanks periodically for the last year and never had any problens so I assume for water changes its probably alright.

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Using chemicals takes care of the problem, but not the cause. The cause needs to be addressed.


What is your pH? Salinity? How are you measuring your tank's salinity? Other coral inhabitants? Tank's age? Water source? Has a fish recently gone missing?

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Haha, my main tanks are all functioning just fine everything is thriving. The brain coral was in the LFS LR bin and I thought I would see if I could test my salvage skills. (ill post pics of what it looked like when I got it) It had a boring algae infection and had some considerable tissue loss. They gave it to me for free. Three weeks later I decided it was done and for those three weeks my system maintained constant levels. This caused me to feel doubtful of the accuracy of my API test kit because I knew it had to be releasing contaminates. So I did the above test and found out that the kit is pretty good and the water decontaminator functions as it said it would.


this wasn't a "why is my coral dyeing" post it was just a simple account of my experience trying to test these products that I thought someone may find useful.


I guess I should have added more background info for it to be useful

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