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Coral Vue Hydros

PH Question


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I did my first test a week into my cycle and the PH was 7.8 . Since it is close to normal 8.2 should I worry? Maybe I didn't match the colors as close as they actually were? Any input?

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Check your alkalinity levels. Alkalinity buffers your PH if its at the right level.


Tell us more about your aquarium. Size? Sand on bottom? Lighting?

It's all related.


Good luck.

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It's a 20 Long crushed coral substrate, t5 10,000k daylight with an actinic, I was told once I get my skimmer in there it will help with ph a lot. I get it Friday so will update then. Oh yeah since I have some hair algae on my rock that came with it I have my lights on from 1pm-10:30pm.

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I don't think air (skimmer or fresh air) will help much. The CO2 will tend to lower the pH (it will form carbonic acid when dissolved in the water).


7.8 isn't terrible. It will make calcification a bit difficult if you have hard corals, but it won't kill fish or soft corals. Indeed, many tanks that run calcium reactors have a low pH. Have you considered dripping limewater as topoff (kalkwasser)?

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The main issue here is worrying about your Ph during the cycle. It will be low from the acid generated from the decay. This is normal. Don't even look at your Ph until your cycle is complete.

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