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Coral Vue Hydros

Any one have some caulerpa

C Jerome

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Any one have some caulerpa that they would be willing to part with.  I am in Philadelphia area so it would probably have to be shipped, I will pay shipping but can not be expensive i am a high school student on a limited budget


C. Jerome

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I am going  home to Philly in July.If you your still looking for some then I'll give you some of mine.It's grape caulerpa.

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Did you get any yet?

If not, how much are you looking for?

I could send you a few clippings, all I ask for is shipping costs.

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No, I did not get any yet.  What type do you have, i would be happy to pay for shipping.


C. Jerome

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I have green grape vine (the fast growing stuff).  send me your shipping information to my email vanillabox@mindspring.com.  I will let you know the shipping cost and my PayPal thru email.

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im also in the philly area, and my step dad has some (im in hs too) so mayb we can see if i can get you some, money is no biggy, we know how hard it is to find, we looked for maybe, four weeks before we found some, so if you want to look into that, just post back and we'll talk

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aquaboy it would be great if you could send me a bit, it will be closer then getting it from vanillabox in WA.  Any type is good, but what type is it?


C. Jerome

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hey, im not really shure, the guy at the lfs just brought some assorted types in, he just said he clipped it from his 'fuge, so im not really shure, but if u want it i can get it to ya

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another thing, this just poped into my head too, this stuff grows really fast, we started out with maybe half a handfull in our 46 bow, and now its rapped arround the rocks, and is almost as tall as the tank, also the stuff in our makeshift tupperware 'fuge has practically trippled in size, maybe a quarter of it was filled when we started, we have had it for about a month, maybe a little more or less, and the container is full, i have been trying to get him to get a real 'fuge, but hes worried about updating lights first, so maybe this will help with the influx growth

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That would be great if you could mail me some, I only need a little bit, I am going to put it in my tank and it sounds like a little grows into alot in no time at all.  


C. Jerome

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yea shure mailing it would be no problem, it does seem to grow rather fast, or atleast to me it does..... well anyway, just wondering, what town/city do you live in? because i mean, if you live close, i could prolly just drop it off, and iono, in my opinion that would prolly get you the freshest.  also, one of the two lfs's near me said there was a store in philly, i forget the name, they said its got a ton of stuff, if i can get the name i'll post it so you can check there for what you need from now on (ie fish, coral, sand, ect) they came highly recomended, so i'll see if i can get the name next time im in, but shure, i can deffinately get you some

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I am in Center City in the Society Hill area, does the Hidden Reef ring a bell I go there and it is the best place in the are for fish and corals and every thing else, it is like half an hour from me so i dont go that often.  Last few time i have been they did not have any caulerpa.  Where are you in the city?


C. Jerome

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yea, it does, thats probably it, im not actually in the city, but im close, im just like, 12 miles outside in nj, but, i was told that they were great, i jsut havent gottin a chance to go yet cauz of all the term papers and stuff i got

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It is the best place in the area i think that it is better then the camden aquairum, except for that one really huge open water tank they have with the sharks, and the prices are comprable to to my mail order places.  With the caulerpa do you want to just throw some in a zip lock and mail it to me, it will get here in like two days from NJ


C. Jerome

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shure i guess that world work..... two days shouldnt b bad, how much do you want? also, e mail me ur adress at eyeinthesky06@aol.com, one other thing, just to let you know, this stuff turns kinda brown or white, and looks like its dying right before it grows, so dont worry too much about color unless it stops growning, also, whats ur e mail adress so i dont delete the letter?

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