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Sea Salt for reefs


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So i'm looking at different sea salt mixes for reefs on marinedepot.com and have come to the conclusion that there are lots of them! I'm reading the reviews for each and all seem to have people that love it and hate it!


Which sea salt do you pro's on here recommend for a reef tank?


Thanks for the help!

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very controversial topic. each person have their own preference in salts. one salt might work with one person...but sucks for the other.


some of the common salts are instant ocean, red sea pro, reef crystal, coralife,

some of the common high end salts are DD H2O, tropic marine pro, and some german brands.


i would start of using the common salt ive mentioned and see if you like the salt and if the corals like it. then if you feel the salt is lacking something (low calc, mag, alk etc), or you just want to try out something different, you can try out the high end salts and see if it has any effects on them.

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very controversial topic. each person have their own preference in salts. one salt might work with one person...but sucks for the other.


some of the common salts are instant ocean, red sea pro, reef crystal, coralife,

some of the common high end salts are DD H2O, tropic marine pro, and some german brands.


i would start of using the common salt ive mentioned and see if you like the salt and if the corals like it. then if you feel the salt is lacking something (low calc, mag, alk etc), or you just want to try out something different, you can try out the high end salts and see if it has any effects on them.


:wizard: Best answer, even if it's not the one you want to hear.


A decent study of varying salt mixes available



A little outdated, but a good read.


Another paper on marine salts is this one:




But be aware that batches of salt change even for the same brand. It's only a snapshot or in best case a rough picture.


I'm doing my own tests on every new bucket. Especially, if phosphates are too high, I'm using that salt for the brackish tank.


AWT's testing methods have raised questions about the validity of the report. Just FYI.


I'm going to add this thread into the mix as well because it will give you an idea of the big three's levels. (Alk, Mg, and Ca)


To continue with what Disaster said, imo there really is no wrong salt mix to use. Some will just require more dosing than others depending on your tank's inhabitants.

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I used tropic marin pro but it has lower alk levels..im going to get seachem reef crystals because it seems the most balanced with high ca, mg and alk..

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I have been using TM Pro for over a yr now and I love it. Bumping the Alk up, if needed, is simple and less costly then dosing Ca or Mg. My fellow reef club members thought I was nuts paying for a high end salt. They all used various brands of salts and have tried everything out there. But as the year has passed, they have all moved to TM Pro (for one reason or another) and have seen great results since.


Just my 2 cents/

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I have been using TM Pro for over a yr now and I love it. Bumping the Alk up, if needed, is simple and less costly then dosing Ca or Mg. My fellow reef club members thought I was nuts paying for a high end salt. They all used various brands of salts and have tried everything out there. But as the year has passed, they have all moved to TM Pro (for one reason or another) and have seen great results since.


Just my 2 cents/


well i dont see why its a high end salt..it doesn't seem to be that much different than others..but it has low alk..seachem reef has high ca, mg and alk..so why isn't that a high end?

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I use Red Sea Coral Pro but I'm switching with the new tank. I am CONSTANTLY dosing mag and alk to my tank. Maybe it's not the salt but I'm going to try the Dh20 because of the increased mag level.


Again...everyone is going to have a different opinion. This thread will make you just as confused! :wacko:


Edit: oooo, that's a good thread Vangvace put up there. The seachem salts look really good on the big 3 too. Hmmmmm.

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well i dont see why its a high end salt..it doesn't seem to be that much different than others..but it has low alk..seachem reef has high ca, mg and alk..so why isn't that a high end?


FYI, at least 4 or 5 lfs in Sacramento carries seachem reef salt. I buy it because they sell it to me for $32 a bucket - reef not the marine salt. It does have good reviews and tested high on a lot of the goodies. I wouldn't want anybody to consider it high end otherwise the lfs will jack up the price on a good salt brand.

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well i dont see why its a high end salt..it doesn't seem to be that much different than others..but it has low alk..seachem reef has high ca, mg and alk..so why isn't that a high end?


I probably should have said 'expensive' instead. It's more of a specialty salt I guess, the alk is low by design for people running Ca reactors or using Kalk.

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I probably should have said 'expensive' instead. It's more of a specialty salt I guess, the alk is low by design for people running Ca reactors or using Kalk.


I'm not debating but are you talking about Seachem? Because their alk is 10 which is pretty good. Red Sea Coral Pro is 7 and I'm always fighting that!!

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I'm not debating but are you talking about Seachem? Because their alk is 10 which is pretty good. Red Sea Coral Pro is 7 and I'm always fighting that!!


No, Tropic Marin Pro.

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I use Deep Ocean and it is the luv! I used to use Instant Ocean, but through recommendation of my wholesaler, I switched to this and seen nothing but goodness. One thing he did say about IO is that they have old style mixers and their salt batches are very inconsistent. He quit carrying IO and strated with the Deep Ocean.

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