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Remora Nano versus regular Remora


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I am going to buy a protein skimmer for my 20H aquarium. I was thinking about getting a remora c due to its great reviews. However, I don't know if I should get the Nano or just upgrade to the regular remora C. The difference seems to be about 6 inches in height. All the other dimensions are the same. Will the regular remora look too big on my 20H? Also, is the maxi-jet going to be too loud?



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By the way... I was also thinking of buying the Tunze 9002 instead. However, how is this skimmer installed? I don't think it is a HOB like the Remora. Also, pardon the ignorance, but what does everyone mean when they talk about the left chamber versus the right chamber...etc?



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the maxi jet will not be loud...but the nozzle injecting water into the skimmer will be load


the tunze 9002 sits inside the tank.


im not sure what you mean left/right chamber

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So back to my original question.... Should I get a nano remora or the regular remora for a 20H


super cereal, i have sold skimmers in pro reef shops for a few years,

DONT buy either one!!! is my best advice.

aqua c skimmers, especially remora/remora pro are a waste of plastic, and they are spendy to boot, and the unsightly pump sits in the tank.

for a 20g i'd go with the;



octo bh-2000

SWC bh-500

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quick...someone call sdt so she can tell you how wrong you are.




seriously tho, why do you say they are junk? plenty of people on this forum have good experience with the skimmer. most say they out skim anything theyve owned and could get one for around 100 used.

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So I went ahead and bought the regular remora instead of the nano since no one chimed in for advice. Hopefully it will fit okay on my 20H.

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if anyone thinks the remora is a good skimmer, then they have never owned a skimmer worth a damn.

it's an expensive POS that can be outskimmed by a modded bakpak.


but good luck and enjoy your new skimmer, hopefully it works for you. :P

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So I went ahead and bought the regular remora instead of the nano since no one chimed in for advice. Hopefully it will fit okay on my 20H.


It'll fit. I have a remora on my 29 and I love it. Does an awesome job for me.

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The remora c pro works great....it will fit your 20H.


the remora pro at best is a mediocre skimmer, and that's with a mag 5 or eheim 1260 on it,

and i dont know about you, but i would never tolerate looking and some huge ass pump/heater in my display...that is just stupid.

and if your going to spend the money that the remora pro costs, then that opens up a whole new range of hob's that will smoke the remo pro for breakfast

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if anyone thinks the remora is a good skimmer, then they have never owned a skimmer worth a damn.

it's an expensive POS that can be outskimmed by a modded bakpak.


but good luck and enjoy your new skimmer, hopefully it works for you. :P


Since you appear to be an expert on skimmers, could you tell me what would convince you that a skimmer is actually doing the best job possible on any given aquarium?


What I am after is not the amount of foam produced or size or brand etc., but the health of the aquarium itself (water clarity, nitrate levels, algae etc. or any other parameter of importance).


I believe this information would be extremely helpful to anyone who is planning to buy a skimmer.




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yes, it's quite true, i used to like remora skimmers on 5-10g tanks ....3 YEARS AGO



personal experience with that POS on innumerous occasions between myself, customers, and friends.

mkay, my whole gripe with the aqua c remora/urchin:

they are hand made, and if "tito" hasnt taken a crap yet, and drills the hole for the injector

just a 1/4" off in any given direction, then you have a shyte skimmer that is worthless. so on any given day you could purchase several remora skimmers, set them up with the same pump, and they all might give you different results. so you might actually be one of the souls who receives a nicely made little skimmer, or you might not.

secondly, if a remora is operating in top performance, it can still be outskimmed by a mesh modded bakpak...which isnt saying much, because they too are fairly powerless, but at least a hell of alot better than a remora after 15 min of modification.

and anymore this is all just old lame tech, and newer hob's on the market for the same money can kick a remora's ass. so why people still keep suggesting them for a hob skimmer is beyond me.



Since you appear to be an expert on skimmers, could you tell me what would convince you that a skimmer is actually doing the best job possible on any given aquarium?


What I am after is not the amount of foam produced or size or brand etc., but the health of the aquarium itself (water clarity, nitrate levels, algae etc. or any other parameter of importance).


I believe this information would be extremely helpful to anyone who is planning to buy a skimmer.





yes, you are correct, while there is some amount of judgement you can acheive by the amount and color of skimmate collected from a skimmer, the amount of skimmate produced really is meaningless to an extent. it's solely based upon the amount of bioload and feeding that occures and is a poor measure of how well a skimmer is effecting your water quality. but when a skimmer wont even pull nog in the first place, with any amount of regularity, then that is definately not a sign that you got a nicely designed skimmer that is worth $150-250. to me, colonization and coloration of corals, and health of your fish/verts are an excellent indicator as to how any filtration method your using is effecting water quality. also, another would be how "clean" your display stays, ie; does the system maintain an algae free appearance, and does detritus get assimilated by appropriate flow so the filtration and skimmer can then take it out?

i personally think it's foolhearty to rely singularly on any one type of filtration on a nano, "you'll be fine with water changes in a nano" is one of the stupidest things i've ever heard.

the most successfull nanos i've seen have combined skimming, refugia, and carbon/media filtration to acheive long term success. ...a year old reef tank is still infantile, something people here often forget.


koraltek is just a hater, seems hes pushing something.


yes, i told you, i HATE the aqua c remora!!1!!!

just because i liked them at one time doesnt mean im not allowed to change my mind based upon experience, and the release of new skimmers worth a damn.

and yes, i am pushing something, im pushing people to stop buying remora skimmers...they sux!!! i wouldnt wish them on my worst enemy...


the late 90's called... they want their skimmer back!

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if anyone got p0wn3d,

it was you when you opened your wallet to pay for that urchin... :owned:

and scince i dont even know you, i still feel bad for you.


btw, if it was so great, why u sellin it??

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come one guys...this isn't RC...the remora c pro is good...and so is the urchin. IMHO I did dislike the pump in the tank...however I didn't have to really mod it for it to work properly.

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if anyone got p0wn3d,

it was you when you opened your wallet to pay for that urchin... :owned:

and scince i dont even know you, i still feel bad for you.


btw, if it was so great, why u sellin it??


lmfao you stupid tool I didnt buy it hahahahahah wahhh wahhh wahhhhhhh somebody needs a urping.

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lol @ koralnoob.


Remoras are great. I think for the money they are more than decent. I have used the standard and nano versions, and they both perform well when adjusted correctly. They are also easier to adjust than others, like the tunze.

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