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Am I reading this right?


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Yes, I follow the directions meticulously. Shake bottle two well for at least 30 seconds. Then add it to the test solution (that already has bottle one added and mixed) then shake it "vigorously for at least 1 minute".


Yes, the rock was fully cured. It came from a local reefer's tank. I transported the rock in a bucket of saltwater so it was only out of the water 2 or 3 minutes here and there. Even when I was arranging it in my tank I kept the pieces I wasn't immediately working with in the saltwater.


Your shaking the test like you're supposed to I assume?


Did you start with Fully cured LR?

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Yes, I follow the directions meticulously. Shake bottle two well for at least 30 seconds. Then add it to the test solution (that already has bottle one added and mixed) then shake it "vigorously for at least 1 minute".

Sorry, but I had to ask, can't always assume stuff here. :D


Yes, the rock was fully cured. It came from a local reefer's tank. I transported the rock in a bucket of saltwater so it was only out of the water 2 or 3 minutes here and there. Even when I was arranging it in my tank I kept the pieces I wasn't immediately working with in the saltwater.

Then you probably won't see the normal signs of a "cycle".

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Eeeks! LOL I don't think so! But, I did put a chunk of frozen brine shrimp in three days ago and still not getting a rise. But perhaps Scott is right and I am registering nitrates but I was expecting a more orangey color...closer to what is on the card.




You should pee in your tank.



Thanks for the help guys! With the algae starting to take off, I'm guessing a snail or two wouldn't be amiss at this point.


No worries Scott. LOL Better safe than sorry, especially with one's tank! I appreciate your help with this though.



Sorry, but I had to ask, can't always assume stuff here. :D



Then you probably won't see the normal signs of a "cycle".

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Thanks for the help guys! With the algae starting to take off, I'm guessing a snail or two wouldn't be amiss at this point.

I think you'll be alright. Just keep an eye on them.


No worries Scott. LOL Better safe than sorry, especially with one's tank! I appreciate your help with this though.

No problem. ;)

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The Propagator

Take off the cap and look straight down through the tube against the white on the card.

That will give you a much closer match then a side view IME when your guessing nitrates, nitrites, and KH.

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Thanks for that suggestion! I'll try it tomorrow.




Take off the cap and look straight down through the tube against the white on the card.

That will give you a much closer match then a side view IME when your guessing nitrates, nitrites, and KH.

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I also registered a very small cycle when setting up as well. I then added cuc slowly and waited a month till I added my first fish.

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The Propagator
Thanks for that suggestion! I'll try it tomorrow.


No problem. Also a VERY COMMON mistake that is made that can become a point of over dosing when testing for calcium, and alkalinity, OR checking levels is reading the results through the tube via the aquarium light. The same actinic lighting that fluoresces your coral will also fluoresce the fluid and throw your test results off. The kits are made to be read under normal house hold lighting.

New reefers often read it right next to the aquarium and get false readings.

I would bet a $100 bill that is what 90% of the recent "my calcium is mysteriously dropping and then rising on its own" threads stem from.


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*starts worrying that I'm twisted*


I looked under the aquarium lights, then run into the kitchen and look under those lights, then run to the window and hold it up in sunlight to see if there was a difference. LOL Though admittedly, the photo I took WAS in the aquarium lights.





No problem. Also a VERY COMMON mistake that is made that can become a point of over dosing when testing for calcium, and alkalinity, OR checking levels is reading the results through the tube via the aquarium light. The same actinic lighting that fluoresces your coral will also fluoresce the fluid and throw your test results off. The kits are made to be read under normal house hold lighting.

New reefers often read it right next to the aquarium and get false readings.

I would bet a $100 bill that is what 90% of the recent "my calcium is mysteriously dropping and then rising on its own" threads stem from.


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