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Coral Vue Hydros

Equipment for a 20 gallon. Anyone??


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Hey everyone I'm new to the board and wanna say this place is awesome for the nano tanker. Recently I have been searching around for somewhere to give me a rundown of what I would need for a 20gallon, but no one gave me an exact answer. What I'm looking to put into the tank is:


2 clowns

1 goby

softies, lps and sps

a shrimp or two (pistol definately for the goby)

various crabs, snails

LR and LS


Besides the tank and canopy/stand, could someone give me a rundown of what I would need for the tank? I plan on going to purchase a book about coral compatability tomorrow so I won't mess it up. I wanna try to get it right the first time even if it takes me forever. Thanks for any input!!

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Possibly a protien skimmer (controversial on a nano)

I assume that by "canopy" you are including lights?

a heater

a thermometer

test kits (ammonia, nitrate, nitrate, ph, alkalinity, calcium)

a meddlin' stick, or a pokin' stick ;)

salt mix

mixing bucket

power heads/water pumps

a big bank account....!



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a great coral book is CORALS a Quick Refernce Guide By JULIAN SPRUNG its great simplified by showing lots of pics and rateing every type of coral 4 ways

Lighting Needs

Water flow



and it runs on a 1-10 system which is great

a shows what food type each needs

but the books only focus is soft and hard coral not shrooms since they are considered disk anemones

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Hey thanks for the info everyone. When I said canopy, I did in fact mean lights also. I noticed Vincent saying powerheads/waterpumps. Aren't they the same things? I was looking to purchase one powerhead for one current and use the HOB for a different current. Thanks again for any input!!

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Wood skewers work good for the pokin stick. They also work good for taping things like toothbrush heads to. And don't skip on a cheap test kit. FasTest or Salifert. Home Depot 5 gallon buckets work good. Good algae scraper. Oh yeah, and a job that takes you away from the house. Or you'll spend way too much time on the tank. My home business took a major dive since I started a tank.

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Hey Reefnewbie,


Here is a list of stuff on my 20 gallon:


2 power heads (maxi 900, mini 606)


Tunze Osmolator (auto top off)

pH monitor

Temp monitor

175 Metal Halide lights

100 watt ebo jager heater

Salifert test kits

Mag-Float algae scraper



Other than that, I have 30 lbs of great kaelini rock from Dr Mac and Sons and sand from about 3 different sources.


I'd also recommend getting the tank drilled and putting an overflow and sump on it. Mine is undrilled and I wish I had drilled it for added water volume and to hide all my equipment. HTH and good luck with your purchases :)



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My 20long consist of:


20long (30x12x12) bottom drilled overflow, standpipe

2 126gph powerheads

some live rock

some live sand

2 65 watt 10000k pc's

1 55 watt acttinic pc

2 daylight 20 watt NO bulbs

1 actinic 20 watt NO bulb

10 gallon sump w/baffles

cpr bakpak2 hanging on back of sump

75 watt heater in sump

Mag3 return pump




cleaning magnet

10 gallon qt tank w/ stupid corner filter and 1 powerhead

5 gallon hospital tank

test kits


and other little things

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