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Coral Vue Hydros

Question about tank weight.


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Hey all,


Picked up a 65g tank today. I wanted to put it on the main floor of the townhouse, but I am worried about the strength of the floor. It seems like the whole ouse was put together poorly!


I have the tank up against a wall, perpendicular to the floor beams (I can see them in the basement).


Will this be okay? The beams are quite close to one another. Should the tank be parrelell?


I can add pictures if needed.

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you are thinking correctly.

The tank should be perpendicular to the floor joists. this distributes the weight among multiple joists.

You do NOT want the tank parallel to the joists. this would put the weight on a couple joists. Overloading the joists will cause them to be springy and eventually, fail.

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you should be fine..its only 65gal..think about your bathtub when someone takes a bath and fills it up..thats probably close to 100gal

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That is correct you want to span your tank perperdincular to the beams to split up the load from the tank. Think about having all the loading on one vs. spiltting it up on multiple beams.The water weights around 542 lbs alone ...so add 100 lbs for stand/equimpment/rock. Your looking around 650lbs or so of loading.

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