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getting water parameters in line


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Hi all,


I am fairly new at this so just wanted some suggestions on things to do. I have had a Biocube 29 gallon for 1-1/2 weeks that I purchased from a friend who had it set up for 1 year with corals and CUC. I just tested my water today and am wondering what all I can do to get everything where it should be. I am going to be buying the media rack for BC29 when I get paid this week. Right now all there is in compartment 2 is live rock rubble and a bag of Purigen which I think is probably pretty old. I took out the filter but the sponge is still in there. I will take out the live rock rubble when I get the media rack and use Purigen and Chemipure along with filter floss.


I used the API Reefmaster test kit.


SG 1.023 with hydrometer

pH 7.9

calcium 680 ppm

Ammonia 0

Nitrite 0

Alk 12 dKH

Phophates 0.5 ppm

Nitrates 20 ppm


I was getting ready to do a 5 gallon water change either tonight or in the morning. Any advice on what else I could do to get these levels in line would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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