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9 Days into Cycle


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Hi all....Looking for advice here. I'm returning to the hobby after about an 18yr break. The tank I ran years ago ran for approx 3yrs, so I'm not really a rookie, but memory fogs with age....


My BC29 is 9 days into cycle now. First, let me tell you about my setup.

Tank started with approx 7gal of water mixed in from my Brother's tank which has been operational for a couple years or so.

Substrate - 15lbs CaribSea Argonite-Aragamax Select.

22lbs base rock - 5lbs LR scattered on top of base rock

Hydor Koralia 1

Stealth 250w heater. (I know that's huge for a BC29, but it's what I already had sitting around and keeps the temp very stable in the tank). probably will add another heater for backup.

Stock lighting

Stock return pump


Right now, the bioballs are in chamber2. However, I have a Tunze 9002 and fuge rack on order that will very soon fill up chamber2 and the bioballs will be coming out.


So, here's the question...I'm starting to accumulate some tan/brown algae on the substrate and LR and base rock. There is green algae on the LR (which is the way it came when I bought it). Is there something I can add that would help cut down on some of that algae?...I'm not into introducing livestock into the tank too soon and causing them harm, but if some types of snails/crabs/sea hare would not be affected...please let me know if that might be a good solution.


I tested the water a couple days ago (API test kit):

Salinity - 1.023

pH - 8.3

Ammonia - between .25 and 0

Nitrate - between 5.0 and 0

Nitrite - .25


Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!

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The tan/brown algae sounds like diatomes and is a normal part of cycling. They will go away on their own.


The green algae needs a better description though to give you some useful help.

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