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In need of some LS!! - East Texas area


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I just switched out my CC substrate for 20lbs. dead fiji pink, and am in desperate need of a couple cups of LS from a good established bed. Is there anyone out there willing to send me some of theirs? I'm in Tyler, Tx., which is about 80 miles east of Dallas. I'll pay S&H. Anyone interested, please let me know. ??? I would be extremly grateful, as would my tank! :flower:

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Im not to sure about shipping sand but I got some really nice live sand that I can spare some of. Very diverse, very live, and very healthy, I purchased the sand from four different LFS, pulled some from my old 180, 150, 125, 110, 75, and 5 gallon tanks, plus some from a 20 gallon I just bought recently that was running for three years. I live in SW Louisiana, about 15 minutes from the Texas border if you are ever in the area you can have some for free or just tell me how to ship it, I have never shipped anything before other than drygoods.

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Geesh Guys I'm in Shreveport, from Lk Charles, I didn't think there was anyone on the boards in my area. Nice to meet yal! Don't have any live sand but will have some GSP before long if someone is interested. I'll also look around the LFS will probaly have some I'll let you know.


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just pm me your address and I will send you about a pound or so, and then when you get it you can send me a few bucks for shipping or a frag of anything you got.

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OK, I PM'd you my addy. I really appreciate it!:) Thanks alot! Ya, and if anyone else is in the area, feel free to post here! My local LFS really sucks! :x They have no selection, are expensive, and the employees don't know anything. (not saying I know everything about the hobby, but it would be a safe assumption that my 3 1/2 year old knows more about it than their employees do!) It would help to get a few contacts in the area so we odn't have to rely on mail order or traveling long distances to get to a decent LFS!!:P

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I will send out the sand tomorrow morning for ya. I wouldnt worry about ordering anything to activate your sand, the sand I will send is a pretty diverse and very live mix, it has pods, mini stars, tiny worms, and baby snails that I can see, who knows what I cant see. I would like to get on any orders for any corals or anything like that. Just let me know when.

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Dang Tat you wouldn't have another cup or two that you can spare would you? I started my tank with Nature's Ocean that has the bacteria but no creepy crawlies..... :(


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sure dwolls, where are you located? I am in Sulphur, we can either meet somewhere, you can pick it up here, or I can send it if you are too far and you just send me back a few bucks when you get it. Just let me know

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I'm in shreveport, I have family in Lk Charles but just blew the head gasket in my car so won't be getting down that way anytime soon! If you can send it that would be great I'll either send you a few bucks or I'll be having some GSP frags soon if your interested in those?


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Ill send it tomorrow if you pm the address and whenever your gsp is ready to frag send one of those and well call it even. I am in no rush, so whatever you want to do is cool with me.



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The first order I'm going to place will probably be next week for a cleanup crew. I was thinking from Liveaquaria or Just Phish. ANy ideas? I'll probably be placing the order Tuesday when the 'ol paycheck comes in. If anyone wants to jump in, feel free! Any suggestion for online ordering for cleanup crews will be welcome too!!:P

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oh just talk sweet to me....lol maybe we could find something to trade. As far as a clean up crew I never ordered a package I just put it together myself. 1 Turbo and Astra snail, I was having a major hair alge outbreak and they fixed it in 48 hrs. I have a Queen Conch snail she is cool. I have about 5 blue leg hermits and had 12 nass snails that I LOVE but I think the stupid hermits are killing them. I also have one sand sifter starfish that very seldom goes in the sand this is one busy little dude!


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Yea, I'm not actually ordering a put together package, just some astreas, trochus, nassarius, and cerith snails, probably 3-4 of each, and a fighting conch too, but the places I looked at are out of the conchs. Probably get 1-2 emerald crabs too.

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Oh, I don't think you understand about my LFS yet. There is only one pet store in Tyler that sells marine fish and supplies, and it is a very limited one at that!:rant: Not to mention the idiots it employs. The other day when I was in there looking for some cleanup critters, they had one tank with about 6 turbo snails a little smaller than golf balls, I asked an employee if those were the only snails it had, she said, "no, we have some more turbos in another tank!", which she pointed out about 10 dime-size or smaller nass snails (I think) that she referred to as baby turbo snails!??? Now I don't know alot about marine biology, yet, (hehe) but I can tell between 2 totally different species of snail! MORONS!!! Oh I want to beat my head on the wall every time I go in there, but it is the only place within 60 or so miles with marine fish and supplies. Forgot to mention this is the same layd that about a month ago told me my spotted hawk would be "just fine" with my new peppermint shrimp.:| Well, he almost got to touch the substrate as I dropped him in the tank after carefully acclimating him. He made it about half way down in one piece, the last part of his journey to the aquarium bottom was made in 3 pieces!:*( (Oneof those pieces dangling from my hawks maw!)

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I'm gonna post an article here, since I got such a good response from you guys about seeing if anyone has any other frags or shrooms their willing to part with for a reasonable price. I'll let you know hoe it goes!

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Originally posted by bneyman

I hear ya on that one, I was thinking about ordering a cleanup crew probably next week, and maybe a detrivore kit or something to activate my sand.


Hey guys,


Just checked out that place, and really liked it, I'll probably order my cleanup critters, and maybe a shroom or 2 next Tuesday, so ya'll let me know what you want to do, and I'll be happy to help you out, since you've been such a great help to me!!;) I will be paying with a money order, as I have no credit cards (evil), so I believe the procedure will be to email him to let him know what we want, then he'll contact us back with instructions. Just keeping you guys informed! Let me know if ya'll want to do anything!:)

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