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Coral Vue Hydros

Expensive thought


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To be honest, I know nothing about salt water tank but after one day at Monterey Bay Aquarium with my son, I thought it will be a nice idea to set up a nano reef tank for his first birthday. The next day, I went to the local aquarium and purchase the 6 gallon Eclipse tank, replace the light to the blue like and got 5g salt water. The following day I picked up a cleaner shrimp, feather duster, some live rocks, two clowns, flower coral (not sure the real name) and a blue Tang. CRAZY me! Now, after reading this website, I found out that the tank I purchase it not good for nano reef and blue Tangs are also not good for Nano-reef. I’ve had the tank for almost three weeks now and every thing seem to be doing well though my cleaner shrimp did die (don’t know why). I am also having problems with these green and red algae on my tank. What are they and how do I get rid of them?


I do admit, I regret getting the tank because it had cost me close to $500 so far. I’m just praying that I am doing everything right and hopefully nothing else is going to die. Anyone have any helpful tips or suggestions?


By the way, I LOVE this WEBSITE!

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If this isnt a chity joke do the animals a favor return them and do some research. This way they live a little longer and you can do some research (LOTS).


This hobby isnt one you can just jump into

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Your local fish store shoulda known better!!


id agree with Acoustic.. bring all back and start fresh..


and give the store you bought from a bit of a hard time when u do so.. A Tang needs way more space than a 6 gallon aquarium to live in...


Start off slow and READ lots.. Do it right and you'll get alote more enjoyment/satisfaction from it..

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I dont think you need anyone to tell you that what you did is really dumb, so I'll skip that. Buy some books, read on this site, do some online research and you'll have your tank up in no time. Good luck, remember to learn from your mistakes.

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I know I purchased it without thinking but it's too late now. The store will not buy it back. Why would he when he was constantly telling me how easy it was to take care of the tank..."all you need to do is change the water every week"...I know I should have done some research but it's too late now.


Now I need to know what helpful suggestions or things I should do to keep every thing alive.

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Oh man. Oh man. sigh.


I don't know where to start.

You really didn't do anything right.


read this http://www.nano-reef.com/info/


Also you are Damn lucky that rock was well cured, otherwise everything would be dead. And they still might. Tanks have to cycle before adding ANY inhabs! I'm assuming you did not buy test kits. You need Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, alk. at least. Make sure they are for SW (salt water). Replaced the light to the blue light? What are you talking about? Did you put just a blue NO bulb in? Corals need PC or VHO lighting at least. The Biowheel in your hood will also become a nitrate factory, take it out. How many pounds of live rock? I hope at least 6-8. God what else. Never buy a coral unless you know its husbandry, much less its correct name. Some need to have highlow light, highlow current, be direct fed with marine flesh or phyto. Now your fish. Not only do Blue tangs get 12", yes, 1' long! They have somewhat special dietary needs, not only do they need food for zooplanktivores, but also need vegetation for near constant grazing. They are also highly susceptible to disease such as ich and latteral line erosion. But all these point are moot. The need a tank AT LEAST 75 gallons!!! As far as your clowns go, I wouldn't put 1 clown in a 6 much less 2. You have obviously never seen a full grown perc before. They get like 4" and fat.


I would suggest you go to the nearest fish store or large book store and get some beginner books.

If 1 store sold you all your things at the same time, never go there again. Or if they knew your mode of starting up.




If you need to add more rock or your tests come back as more than ZERO for amm, trite, trate, get EVERYTHING OUT OF THERE!

Learn about calciumalkalinity and proper buffers!


REMEMBER Finding Nemo was a cartoon.

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I just read your latest reply. If they won't take them back go to another store. Or GIVE them away! They will die. ALSO, Can I please have the name and phone number of the store you got them from?

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Well if you refuse to give back the clowns continue with the water changes because it sounds like your tank is still cycling. Go buy an ammonia test to make sure. If it reads positive in any way get them out.


As far as the tang goes just bite the bullet and give it back to them (credit or not, it has to go) or if you can find someone who has the proper tank and give it to them. If you keep it in there it will get stressed, its only a matter of time.

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I got ALL the supplies/fishes from a local Aquarium called “Mermaid”. He told me I can start putting the fishes and rocks in after one day because the water I purchased was already cycled water (almost $5 a gallon). Since the Eclipse tank was made for freshwater, he installed the blue light that is made for salt water tank. I have 7lbs of rocks and if I remember correctly about 4lbs of sand. Also, 10 hermit crabs.


I changed 10% of water every week and add three drops of the following every day: Iodine, Calcium, Zooplex. After every water change, I also add Prime. I did not purchase any water testing kit because the store (a different Aquarium store) does the testing for me free. So far, he said everything looks good.

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Well, i just called Mermaid Aquarium in Fremont. Its on Mission Blvd? They said they have never sold a 6 gal eclipse with 2 clowns and a tang. The only other Aquarium supply I see there is Petsmart. Sure it wasn't there? They also said they would take those fish if they are in good condition. Talking to the manager of Mermaid, it doesn't seem to me he would sell you that set up with those fish. They seemd quite reputable actually. Am I wrong? Was it a different store? I don't want to see an LFS get a bad name if it doesn't deserve it. Did the store you bought your fish at know your tank size was 6 gallons? That is the real question.

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would be good to call them taylor... let them know the position you are in.. Going by what they told zizmans im sure theyll take the fish back.. even if its under special circumstances..

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Ok good. Mermaid seemed like really good guys! I'd say stick with them!


I also called King Aquarium. They are total morons! The guy I talked to said that he would see what he could do if he talked to you. Give them a call and see. Let us know what happens

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Although your off to a rough start try not to get to stressed.

Your inhabitants should be ok if you keep up the water changes.

(except the Tang).

IMO adding all the extra supplements (iodine, etc) is not necessary. If you start using a good quality sea salt mix all the supplements will be added with each water change.

I've never had luck with test kits so I say their a waste of money. Although a nitrate test is useful months down the road, as these build over time.

Unless you have other corals lighting shouldn't be a problem. You will have to feed your flower coral twice a week. Feed it thawed brine shrimp with an eyedropper.

hope this helps.

p.s. 10 hermits seems excessive.

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I don't care if Zizman call them. But I am really hoping to get better advise on how to take care of these fishes instead of having everyone so mad at me.


LOL, thank you Orange Crush for the clarifications.


By the way, I am a FEMALE for those who kept saying "he"

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you should drive north a bit and go to Aquarium Concepts in Hayward, and Tropical Paradise in San Leandro. bring your kid to AC to drool at their 2000 gallon reef. they would probably give you better advice then Mermaid, and their water is a tad cheaper than $5/gal...$0.50/gal i believe.

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By the way Taylor. As you "don't care". Take care of it yourself then. :) I'll delete my posts and you can continue screwing and killing fish on your own. Talk about ungratefull!!! :) Please do your fish a favor and get them out of that tank. Or is having pretty things swimming around more important to you than their lives? We'll guess what honey, you're an irresponsible moron who doesn't even clue into the fact that you may have to actually learn something before trying to keep an ecosystem alive. :) You have been told how to take care of those fish, get them out of the tank. duh :)


SOOO glad i tried to help you! Now try to do it right reeftard :)



P.S. the reason ppl are mad at you is because you are an idiot. Also I'm starting to think (as are others) that you lied about not being able to bring the fish back. So we can add LIAR to the equation. :)


Do the right thing and buy your kid some Finding Nemo stuffed animals. Or maybe the Video game. If you can afford it after killing your tank. :)


see smiley faces make it not harsh :)

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de-militarized zone



looks like that lfs pulled a fast one on you. i agree with the other posts to try to give away the tang. it'll eventually outgrow the tank. the good thing about the situation is that you're running the bio-wheel and the setup is basically FOWLR. the efficiency of the bw and your regimen of wc's seems to be keeping the polluting issues at bay. keep those up! ;)


the shrimp probably keeled over from the nitrate levels and the iodine dosing. they may need some iodine for molting but too much gets sequestered into the exoskeleton and basically poisons them.


i would think of the tank as FOWLR for the near term until you can clear out the livestock load. i wouldn't try corals without good lighting or better filtration either.


get a good book on the hobby (authors such as: tullock, fenner, sprung, borneman, etc.). they'll point you right or you can surf around. hth

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Well at the very least.. take the tang back... there is absolutely no hope for it in a 6 gallon.. and youll give your clowns a better chance... be prepared though later to upgrade to a bigger tank..

as they grow they will not have much room to swim...

no point bein a fish if it cant swim..!!


As for the additives... you really dont need them...

weekly water changes will replenish whats needed in the water..


later with more corals/inverts in the tank ull need to add a bit.. but definitely not to that extent..


read up on lights (some corals need much more light than others)

read up on water current.. if your current filter isnt moving the water in the tank around enough you may need to look into a small powerhead..

remove the biowhell.. itll do more harm than good in the long run..


other than that read read read.. about everything..

research before you buy anything..

many things need specific diet and caring for..


Id still advise bringing the fish back to the store..

but again at the very least.. for the sake of the tang.. return it or give it away... it will be for sure doomed otherwise...



g'luck to ya..

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Zizmans, I think you misunderstood. I said "I don't care if you call them" meaning I don't care that you called and B**** at them for selling me all those knowing that I was so inexperience. I really appreciated all your (and everyone) suggestions.


FYI- I planned on giving the blue tang to Mermaid.

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The important thing to remember here is not all businesses are ethical and/or follow legal guidelines. Your first post clearly designates that you realised the err of your ways. Zizman called the supposed "fish store" not to back you up, but for his own personal convictions against the unethical treatment of animals. Lastly, I cannot stress enough that you really should empty your tank of all corals and fish. Please let your tank age before you stock it again.



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