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Top Shelf Aquatics

Frogspawn Wanted (Southern California)


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Hey moorediddy. I know I promised you xenia but.........The xenia is dieing now that my tank water is super sterile. Anyhow, I have 4 tiny frags of red/blue blastomossa. You want????

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YES! I've also been looking for some blasto... e-mail/pm me.



Haha, crap... I should have said something. PM me and we'll work something out....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Acoustic --

Thanks for the info... I haven't been there in a couple weeks. Last time I was there he had gotten rid of all of his corals due to the heat, and was waiting for a chiller.. I'll have to swing by there tomorrow.



Thanks for the referral, I'll e-mail him tonight.




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Nano Reefin:

Yeah, I don't know exactly. Last time I was there, he had zero corals, and I overheard him telling someone about how he didn't want to lose them to the heat, so he was waiting until he got his chiller installed before he brought them back.

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I was there today. They said they were restocking. It was pretty barren but they had a beautiful light blue and yellow ricordia rock for $55. I almost bought it. But, reality got a hold of me when I realised that the rock was half the size of my base rock. DOH!

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Haha yeah, that's the problem with buying corals from the LFS.... they're usually the size of half of my tank! ha. I am always looking at it, thinking.... "hrmm.. i wonder if they could just cut that in half for me.... or maybe just a quarter of it."

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