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Nano S3


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Hi Every one, this is my 32 Gallon AIO tank That i built my self, you can see the construction of the tank and stand here



The inhabitants are

2x clowns

1x Cleaner shrimp

2x blue legged hermit crabs

2x snails


Corals are

Bubble Anemone

Candy Cane coral

Zoa = Red People Eaters/Magicians morph

clove polyps (Clavularia)

And Red Mushroom


The equipment is

Hydor Koralia 2

Aquarium system 600L/h for the back chamber (Looking for MJ1200 for the job :))

150W MH 20.000K Arcadia bulb

2X 36W T5PC Actinic


Here are some photos :)

Candy Cane


Bubble Anemone


Are they to close the anemone and candy ? :huh:

Zoa and clove polyps



My clowns



The Shroom not very happy with the move from my old 14 gallon :P



The shimmer is pulling some thing, any one up for a protine shake ? :D



FTS :)


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Very nice shots of the coral, and the FTS makes the tank look amazing. Would love to see some of the shots of the back filter area, interested in how you built the AIO.

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That's a very nice setup! I guess there are corals in Iceland after all. ;)


Seriously though, I hear everything there is expensive. How are coral prices and what do you have in terms of availability?

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A Neon green Toadstool was for sale here not long ago for almost 80$ omgomgomg



$80 :o . damn i guess i shouldve got that toadstool i saw today for $25. this tank is nice man, lots of potential.

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Tested my water last night


My reading are

Salinity V2Refractometer: 1.025

No2 Tetra test: 0

No3 Tetra test: 0 to 12.5mg/l, any one know what that is in ppm ?

PH Tetra test: 8

Red Sea Alkalinity pro test: 2.0meq/l also any one know how much that's in ppm ?

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I'm thinking of adding a Banggai Cardinal - Pterapogon kauderniAlso

And a Royal Gramma - Gramma loreto to my tank


Will that work out fine ?


And if you have any ideas on what fish i can add pleas post it here :)

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Oops did i say clam i meant to say scallop sorry :P


I need to feed my scallop Phytoplankton right ?


But here are some pictures :D



I really like this photo, the tentacles are so groove :D



I tried placing it on a rock i wanted it to sit on but that did not work out that way and she is hoping around :P, you can also see my candy cane there, that one just started opening to my spot feeding at night time :D



The toads tool did open well soon after it got in the tank but now it's all closed up ans shedding but i guess that's normal :P



The Bubble Anemone is still looking for that sweet spot i guess :P


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Hey so i was going to buy a Ricordia to day, but when i got there it was so color less and did not have inflated bubbles so i declined and asked for a Furry Green Mushroom instead that looked really nice


So i decided to take the FGM and when i got home i saw a little hitchhiker polyp :D

Here is a photo of the FGM



And here is the Hitchhiker


Pleas ID this one if you know him :D


After i got them in my tank i tested the guy's water for fun and now i know why his Ricordia was so unhappy


Nitrate is sky hight, the Salinity was 1.029!, and the temperature was insane high in the room so the tank must have been to high as well


But my toads tool is opening and looking good


and also my tiny little neon green fether dusters are back (My peppermint shrimps almost killed them all those bastards :P)



My Red Mushroom has multiplied :)



Tank is doing great and I'm so loving it :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

So it's been a while since any update, i have fraged my toadstool since it got a hole in it's head and was just getting worse, so i cut away all the hole area and made 5 frags and left the "Foot" to restart a new "Head"


I added a Briareum frag that i exchanged for a toadstool frag


I did have some problem with algae, witch i think was because of a non Wet food grade container i used for my ATO system, now a few weeks after i got a new 7,8 Gallon ATO container the algae has gone down significantly


Well here are some photos :)

Red People Eater frag


Green Button polyp, a little bleached i think :S


The "Foot" of the toadstool already forming a new "Head"


The scallop has moved :(


RPE main colony


Candy Cane and Toadstool frag


Furry Green Mushroom


The new Briareum opening up





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Mr. Thingdoer

Those green feather dusters are probably colonial hydroids. You might want to get rid of them before they get out of hand.

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Mr. Thingdoer

They look like Hydroid Myrionema to me. I've read that people had mixed success with epoxy and superglue. I've also ready that kalk just puts them in to remission. They also say that they burrow as much as an inch in to rock, so tweezing isn't an option. l'd pull the rock out and chisel it off.


I've read that Panacure and Zeospur2 are effective, but may contain copper.


You're lucky. I had them spread on one of my rocks so bad that I had to pull the entire rock out and let it dry.

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I have similar hydroids, and they generally stay in a few places without growing a lot. You can just leave them alone.

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Mr. Thingdoer

That wasn't my experience with them. In one month, they went from just a few hydroids, to an area of about 6" x 8". They totally encrust for most people. They also pack a potent sting. They stung the heck out of a moti digi that shared their rock. They're the only aquatic life that have ever stung me. You can do a google search and see what I mean.

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I guess it depends on the nutrients the hydroids have available to them. I keep my tank lightly stocked with only occasional feedings.

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