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Innovative Marine Aquariums

worm id


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we are about 6 months in and thought we had encountered all the creepy crawlies hitchhiking on our live rock, but to our surprise this guy popped up and have had trouble identifying him. any ideas? is it bad? he didn't venture far from the crevice he came out of. your help is greatly appreciated. thanks in advance!






it looks nothing like a bristleworm...


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here's the knitty gritty posted by brad:


Did a little more reading on Syllids and came up with good and bad news.


Good news

Syllids reproduce sexually. Hopefully this is the only one we have in our little 15 gallon tank and won't soon be overrun with them like the common asexually reproducing polychaete bristleworms we have.


Bad news

Quoted from the article Mercedes linked "Similar species of Syllid worm exist with this basic body plan and are known to consume a variety of soft coral species." So it sounds possible that this worm is the thing that has been chomping on our soft corals for the past two months.


here's a link to the article about the worms:


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You stole my thunder! :angry::)


I have a benthic worm expert on my grad committee and there was a get together at her house tonight. I showed her your pic and she agreed that it was a syllid.


You get a double positive ID by looking for a heavily muscular (usually looks white and is internal) pumping structure on the anterior end of it.

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You stole my thunder! :angry::)


I have a benthic worm expert on my grad committee and there was a get together at her house tonight. I showed her your pic and she agreed that it was a syllid.


You get a double positive ID by looking for a heavily muscular (usually looks white and is internal) pumping structure on the anterior end of it.


Mr. Fosi...our resident expert!! :D


So mercedes...what did you do with it? Or what are your plans for it?

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Mercedes says she is afraid to stick her hand in the tank with that thing crawling around in there. :) It's up to me to find it and get it out of the tank before it destroys more of our corals.


Our Xenia have been getting really beat up over the past week. Before that small blue zoo polys would occasionally disappear, a blue ric was slowly eaten and something munched on one of our acans.


We were wondering who was chomping on all our corals. Previously we put the blame on a rogue xanthid crab we spotted but haven't been able to catch.


Any tips on how to catch this worm? Bristle worm trap baited with xenia possibly? :P

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Well, the worm is a predator that eats by punching holes in the bodies of its prey and pumping out the prey's insides with that muscular feeding apparatus.


You will probably be able to bait it with the corals it has been most interested in, but you may also try a bit of raw shrimp. Since it isn't a detriovore, it may not take the shrimp bait, but you can try it; it may save some of your xenia.

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Mercedes says she is afraid to stick her hand in the tank with that thing crawling around in there. :) It's up to me to find it and get it out of the tank before it destroys more of our corals.


Our Xenia have been getting really beat up over the past week. Before that small blue zoo polys would occasionally disappear, a blue ric was slowly eaten and something munched on one of our acans.


We were wondering who was chomping on all our corals. Previously we put the blame on a rogue xanthid crab we spotted but haven't been able to catch.


Any tips on how to catch this worm? Bristle worm trap baited with xenia possibly? :P


I wouldn't put my hand in there either!!! B)


I am reading Fenners book on Invertebrates and he has a suggestion for catching bristleworms. Hmmm, strange he has explicit instructions on how to get rid of bristleworms.....


Oh, back on subject...anyway, he said take a clear plastic tube about 1 inch in diameter and put a meaty item in the middle then stuff it with filter floss. The worm will hopefully crawl in to get to the food and get caught in the floss. Then, voila, you can take it out.

Seems pretty easy so might be worth a try.

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