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Innovative Marine Aquariums

4,000 K 100 watt MH


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I was over at a friends house the othernight and he was telling me about these 100w MHS he has. They came from his yard where they were being used as spotlights on trees, but his dad replaced them. So now he has 10 of these little babies, bulb, ballast and all. But the question is, is it reef applicable? I emailed a place that sells them on the net and they are 4,000k. The lower the Kelvin the more yellow right? The site says they are 'more blue orientated' but who the hell knows what that means...

So, hypothetically speaking, if you put one of these over your nano, with actinic supplementation, would it be a good thing or a bad thing? It wouldnt cost me a thing...


Here she blows.

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4000k is no good in a reef setting. You would get alot of unwanted pest algea growth from that color temp. Just like you assumed...too much yellow in the output.

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4,000k I believe is the same as a cool (could be warm) NO light for the house. your algea would love you for it. if you don't green algea you will after installing that light.

I could be wrong that just my 0.02 cents



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