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Coral Vue Hydros

10 Gal Sump/Fuge Project *Updated*


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So I've decided to make a sump for my 6 gallon nano since I have a bunch of extra 10 gallon tanks, extra parts and equipment laying about. I'm also building a stand, so I might as well design it around the sump. I'm doing my best to build it with mostly stuff I have laying around or can get for cheap (I have a list), as I'm a poor college student.


My plan:


Mod an Aquaclear 30 into an overflow by drilling and adding a bulkhead. I plan to use 3 foam blocks in the filter to prefilter the water going into the sump and to slow the flow (rated 150 GPH) rate a bit.


I'm probably just going to grow a pair and drill the tank. I'll probably get the nano complete setup from glass-holes.com.


I have a penguin 550 powerhead I'm not using and I found a spare filter strainer basket that fits on it, so I'm going to use this for the return pump. It's rated to pump 145 GPH.


The sump itself will be a 10 gallon AGA tank. I was planning on having it maybe 3/4 full at most just for insurance in the event of a power outage. I plan to use it as a 'fuge as well. I will use some kind of refugium substrate (Carib Sea Mineral Mud or Kent Bio Sediment or more live sand), live rock rubble and Chaeto to boost filtration.


My major remaining questions are: Does it matter what the height is for the baffles in the sump if I only plan to put 6-8 gallons of water through it?


Also, would it be best to use glass or acrylic for the baffles? The pros and cons I can come up with are:



Pros - Easier to fasten, silicone will bond to it. Scratch resistant.

Cons - Live rock may break it, can't cut teeth into it easily, will cost $$$ to have cut.


I am also building a stand for it out of 3/4 inch plywood and pieces of pine for extra support on corners. Should be built today, painted stained tomorrow?


Will add pics as I go so keep checking in!



Pros - Won't crack, have cutting tool for it, cheaper(?), can dremel teeth into it.

Cons - Will scratch readily (does it matter though?), how to attach it to the glass sump? Silicone won't bond to it.


If I'm forgetting anything, please let me know and if you have any other tips or advice please share!


Thanks once again.



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You need to think about what would happen if any 1 thing fails such as your pump on the AquaClear or your return pump. If the AC pump quits & the return pump still returns, won't your tank overflow? There are lots of diagrams for sumps. Go to youtube.com & do a search for sump. You will see lots of ideas.


There are a number of ways to set up the internal walls in the sump. I have 2 that I came up with for 2 different tanks.





Second 1


I have since moved the rock to the middle section, put the skimmer in the tank on the right with chaeto dumping into the middle section. The left section has the return pump to the prop tank. The water comes into the sump via 2 U tubes. They get gas bubbles that I have to clear a couple of times a week.



Not the ideal set up but it works.


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Maybe I'll put float switches in both the sump and display to avoid overflow? Or I could mount the pump at a higher point in the sump?


I might use this as a guide: http://www.melevsreef.com/acrylics/sumps/glass/index.html only leaving the skimmer section empty, as I don't have one now.


So does my plan sound pretty solid except for the possibility of overflow upon equipment failure?


Edit: Also probably going to make an ATO based off the battery operated one posted on this board.

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Edited first post for new plan of action.


If anyone can answer my two major remaining questions, please do.


If you can add anything else helpful, please do also.


Thanks everyone!

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not trying to thread jack, but could you use plexi glass instead of acrlylic or actual glass, and also what are you going to use for a return pump

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not trying to thread jack, but could you use plexi glass instead of acrlylic or actual glass, and also what are you going to use for a return pump


For the return I'm thinking either a Rio 600 Plus or Rio 1100 Plus.


Why were you asking about plexiglass/acrylic?

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