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Eclipse 6 New Nano


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Hey everyone,


I am just starting out and just starting to set up a new tank.


Currently, I am planning on using my Eclipse 6 tank- due to not a lot of room. I am planning on getting reef sand for the bottom- the size is 1-1.7mm. What do you think or do you have any better recommendations? Also, what about live sand? And about how much sand live or not live sand is needed?


I have read a lot about cured and not cured live rock. What is the best to start with when it comes to a new tank? And how many pounds of live rock would be good for my tank?


I am also wondering what the best salt to use is- I was going to get Instant Ocean but it is a huge box and I was unsure how much to buy.


And finally, does anyone know where the best place to order stuff for tanks is online?


Any advice is greatly appreciated!


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My Goodness, Angie. Do you have some reading to do.


That size sand is fine. There are many debates about Deep Sand beds. I like to keep mine in my fuge, but in your case 2-3 inches (10-15 LBS). Live sand is good but necessary. Your live rock will seed the dead stuff.


I like Uncured rock as it provides more diverse life, but your cycle will take longer. I also like less rock 5-10 pounds should be good. keep in mind many corals come attached to rock.


The Best salt is yet another debate. Many use Instant ocean without problem, as I do, but another great salt is Bio Assay, but I can't remeber the rest. Ask Dave ESPI for the name of the salt., But beware of Sarcasm and do not take answers personally.


Get the 25lb box. It should last for a while.


For Ordering stuff Just look at the sponsors on this site or on Reef Central. There are hundreds.

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I am not quite sure why you say I have some reading to do... I have read for several weeks online and I have read a book about salt water aquariums too. Yes, I am new to this hobby but I figured asking questions was the best way to start out! I do thank you for your advice.


So live sand a must? I didn't quite understand what you had said- whether yes it is necessary or not?

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i believe he meant it is NOT necessary but its a good thing to consider using. What kind of thought have you put into lighting, its one of the most important (and expensive) aspects of reef keeping.?

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Live sand will help with the Biodiversity. You may even want to think about taking a cup from another reefer HEALTHY tank to use as seed. But no, Live Sand is not nessary, but for Keeping corals Liver rock (IMO) is. I would agree with JoJo. Take a look at you lighting options for the 6 Gallon. Eclipses look great but are not the easiest to retro lights into.

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Originally posted by cajastan

CSL=Custom Sea Life, the company the makes the Supernova Retrofit kit.



well with the eclipse system 6 = ~$70

CSL super nova = ?






Instant ocean 29galoon fromk marineland $199, does this one require upgraded lighting ?

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Originally posted by cajastan

I installed the CSL Supernova in my Eclipse 6. Fits perfect!


There ya have it redline! "Fits perfect!" One thing you can count on is, caja won't steer you wrong.

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Originally posted by cajastan

I installed the CSL Supernova in my Eclipse 6. Fits perfect!




After reading the forums I heard that the aqua-tech 5/galaxy 5 is a rebranded eclipse system sold at walmart. Since eclipse has a system 3, system 6, system 12. I was wondering if the CSL Supernova will fit the aqua-tech 5 ?

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With the bulb plugged in to the ballast, end to end: 13 3/4"

Reflector is 3" wide but can be bent to fit narrower space.

Reflector can be trimmed lenghtwise to fit.


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can you post a picture of your hood? I thought the only retrofit available for the s6 was the 2x13w retrofit from a&h supply... at least thats what someone told me.. I wish i knew about this earlier before i bought one and installed it :(

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  • 2 months later...
Originally posted by caja

Eclipse 6 hood retrofitted with CSL Supernova PC 32 watt


How has this worked for you? Has this been enough light? Any heat problems? Also, how do you keep water off the lights?


Thanks for your help. I am planning to get the same kit pending your answers (no pressure though) :P .


btw, can anyone recommend a vendor?





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