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BennyJ's 28G JBJ Nano Cube HQI


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I've always wanted a scooter blenny and a petco out in the suburbs had them for 10 bucks a piece, so I got myself a little 1.5" Red scooter blenny. My tank has an overabundance of pods, probably since I overfeed so I'm not worried about him having enough to eat till I can get a bigger tank setup.


I'm moving this weekend so taking down the tank and re-setting it up is going to be an adventure. I'll post some pictures of the re-aquascape after it's settled down

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  • 2 months later...
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Still going, I've moved twice since my last post, once to a temporary apartment (which turned out to be really temporary, we found a house a week after we moved). Then we moved to our house in Elmhurst. Still just running my Nanocube, but I think there's a 60g in storage with my name on it, though that will probably be a slow buildup since I need to replace about everything on it. I've been meaning to post pictures for a couple weeks now..


Amazingly enough I thought all my corals wouldn't do well in the move, but in fact they are doing really well.

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As promised, some crappy new photos of my tank, need to get out the wife's camera and take some nice pictures


Full tank shot, major re-aquascape twice since my last



Close up of some of my corals,on the left see the new 3-color blasto I got at the Frag Swap last weekend



Decent shot of my acan, now going rainbow on me, getting orange and green in the center



Two of my new acans



Shot of a bunch of Frags



See the new Turquoise Hammer on the right, though it looks pretty washed out in the picture



and the new Pink Hammer, which I inadvertently fragged


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got myself a 6-line wrasse, hoping she'll clean up some of the remaining flatworms and maybe a bristle worm or 2. I tend to overfeed and have worms everywhere, though they don't cause any problems.


Another cool think I noticed is that my big green branching hammer coral which died 6 months ago after slowly wasting away is making a come back. I though it was dead and just had the skeleton in the tank for additional live rock, but I'll be damned. I looked at it yesterday and and saw little green spots on it, upon closer inspection, it's growing back about 6 heads. Sweet, now I've got a green, turquoise and pink branching hammer going.



I'm getting delusions of grandeur and thinking of getting a 180W tank...

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Such a nice setup you got going there. Shame if you take it down when you build the 60G or 180G. :rolleyes:


Anyway, keep up the updates please. I'm setting my 28G JBJ so keeping an eye on your tanks progress.

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I'll post some more pictures, just offloaded a couple frags and need to make some new ones. My little zoa garden is being overrun by "Purple Carol Coral", my eagle eyes are almost totally covered.

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  • 5 months later...

Noticed that your thread had not been updated lately. Hows everything going with this tank. From the last set of photos, it was looking sweet.

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I should take some new pictures. Everything is doing really well, except that things have been growing so much that I sometimes lose a coral because they will touch. I just lost 2 acans (including my favorite) because one hammer extended really long sweepers/tentacles and killed a few polyps, then it got infected. A snail knocked over another hammer into the other acan and did the same thing.


My mp20 website went bad, so they are sending me a new wetside, really good customer service there.

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